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At school Betty pulls me and Cheryl aside into the blue and gold.

"There's no one else I can talk to. No one else who might understand what I'm going through." She says

"Dear cousin, you look harrowed. What is it?" My sister asks as I put a comforting hand on Betty's shoulder.

"Cheryl, Amelia before you saw the video of your dad..." Betty starts. My hand drops from her shoulder. "Shooting Jason...did you know that he was the murderer?"

"Subconsciously yes," Cheryl answers as I turn and leave the room. "Why do you ask?"

I open the door and walk out. I rush over to the female toilets and into a stall. I lock it and put the toilet seat lid down and sit on it.

Cheryl didn't want me to see the video but I had snuck onto her phone and watched it. I do now regret watching it as it is something that haunts me daily and right now the imagine of my farther shooting Jason plays over and over in my head.

My older brother Jason is tied to a chair beaten and bruised. A older serpent stands there poking and taunting him.

The serpent leaves.

My dad walks in.

I push the palms of my hands into my eyes trying to stop the tears from falling.

Daddy reaches out and takes nana blossoms ring from Jason's pocket putting it into his own.

Slowly he pulls out a gun.

Raises it.

And shoots my brother, his son, in the head.

My brothers body goes limp

I cry to myself as it all replays.

"Amelia" someone's voice snaps me back to reality. "Amelia are you in there. It's Toni"
I let out a sob at the sound of my friends voice.
"Amelia open up. What's wrong?"

I wipe my eyes quickly before opening the door and walking out.

"Amelia," she whispers upon seeing me. She pulls me into a hug and I can't help but cry into her. "Oh Amelia What is it?"

"It's nothing. Just a bad memory." I say as we pull away from each other toni's arms still holding mine. She sends me a sad look. She probably knows it's to do with Jason. "I just need to distract myself and try and forget." I say wiping away my tears again and letting out a little laugh at my foolishness.

"Why don't you join me at the swords and serpents meeting. I'm sure the others won't mind" Toni says.

"That sounds great thanks Toni" I say giving her another quick hug.

I quickly clean myself up and we exit the toilet and go to the classroom where the meeting is held.

Once there I sit down on top of a desk next to Toni who also sits on a desk, sweet pea and fangs either side of me.

"War Baby called my farther and I from Shankshaw. Our old adversaries the ghoulies, have been released." Jughead says. I wrap my arms around my self at the mention of ghoulies and sweet pea places a hand on my shoulder comforting me. "Word on the street they want serpent blood. They're gunning for a rematch. They want war."

Suddenly Reggie, Archie, and Kevin come storming in with the other bulldogs. Reggie at the front of the pack.

"Which one of you reptiles was screwing Midge Klump?" He says in a cold tone.

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