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I spend the night in Cheryl's room. I would have preferred to have spent the night at sweet peas but after what we over heard I have grown worried for both mine and Cheryl's safety.

Its late into the night, I am lying next to Cheryl who like me is having trouble sleeping when we hear a noise. I slowly turn my head in the direction it came from, the balcony door. Slowly the door handle begins to move. I gasp and sit up frightened.

"Who's there?" Cheryl calls out. The door handle stops moving and next we hear the sound of rushed footsteps. My sister quickly gets up from the bed and puts her desk chair against the door. She turns to me a frightened look on her face.

"Cheryl," I say. She comes over and lies back down next to me.

"Its okay Amelia, we're okay," Cheryl says.

I didn't get anymore sleep. The sound of my racing heart kept me up. In the morning at breakfast Cheryl tells our mother about what happened.

"Oh, Don't be ridiculous, Cheryl. No one was trying to break into your room last night." Mother says.

"I was there too, mother." I say before pushing my plate away from me. I don't really have an appetite.

"Your imagining things," Mother says "the both of you are worse than Nana Rose."

"We know what we heard and saw," Cheryl says.

"How could we both have imagined the exact same thing," I say.

"Claudius, now that your here, we should talk about you taking over Nana's stewardship of the syrup business." Mother changes the subject.

"That factory's mine," Nana Rose says "I'm not dead yet you vultures."

"Oh, mother, now, come, come. Let's not get too upset," says Uncle Claudius. "Have some more of Penelope's tea. It's a special blend that she makes."

Nana Rose picks up her cup and sips from it.


I drove to school with Cheryl but we soon split ways when Sweet Pea saw me and began to come over.

"Sorry, I forgot she didn't know," Sweet Pea says leaning against the locker next to mine.

"It's fine. She does know now." I tell him.

"And she's okay with it?"

"With a little persuasion from Toni I believe so."

"So does this mean we can finally be open about our relationship?"

"Yes, it - " I don't get to finish my sentence as sweet pea presses his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. Its not long before whistles fill the air and I pull away from Sweet Pea blushing. Sweet Pea laughs at me before taking my hand. I shut my locker door and we go to our first class together.


At lunch Toni has decided to try out for the River Vixens and she asked me to come along for moral support. I used to be in the River Vixens as my sisters right hand girl but dropped out not long ago. Toni does this amazing dance routine and if I'm honest I would dump Sweet Pea for Toni if I were into girls that way but anyway I am hoping that my sister and Toni hit it off.

The music stops and we all clap. Cheryl walks up and stands in front of her group of cheerleaders.

"I don't think there's anyway you amateurs are going to top that so practice is over, Vixens." She says with a wave of her hands. "inner circle Vixens, Amelia, hang back. You know who you are."

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