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The next morning I head downstairs to the dining room for breakfast.  I stop by the doorway as I hear mother and Cheryl talking.

"Good god, you almost sound proud." Cheryl says I can almost see the disgust on her face by the tone of her voice. I lean against the wall and continue to listen in.

"You wanted me to get a job Cheryl and I did," Mother says. "Providing comfort and companionship to the lonely men of riverdale."

I watch as my mother walks past me, without noticing me. What the hell does any of that mean, comfort and companionship,  lonely men of riverdale? Wait... no! My mother is she selling her body. I feel the urge to suddenly puke but I hold it down. There's no way she would do such a thing my mother has class...right?


When at school I'm once again in my little corner of the student lounge,  this time not reading, instead I'm just on my phone. The same group from yesterday have once again taken over the centre of the lounge. I absentmindedly listen in on their conversation.

Just then Jughead Jones saunters into the room, "Oh hey guys what's up?" I look up to see him walk over to the vending machine next to me, still wearing his serpent jacket unlike the rest of the group of serpents.

Reggie who was sitting not so far away from me looks up at Jughead and I see reggie's body stiffen. Oh shit.

"Take it off." Reggie says in an angered voice. When Jughead does nothing he drops the basketball from his hands and stood up from his seat,  steeping towards Jughead. This won't end well.

"Take of your jacket, rat boy." Reggie demand,  visually more angered. I stand from my seat and put my phone into the back pocket of my jeans.

"Oh reggie , I don't think you know what this jacket means because you have no sense of honour of history or loyalty." Jughead says. I watch as reggie sucks in a breath about to attack.

"Reggie." I say walking over to him and placing a hand on his arm.

"What?" He snaps at me turning his head in my direction. I notice his eyes soften slightly when he sees me.

"Let's not cause a scene."

"I thought you liked this huh, and why are you sticking up for these thugs anyway?"

"I'm not..." I let out an annoyed sigh as reggie pulls away from my grip.

"That's it." Reggie lunges toward Jughead, grabbing at the leather jacket that covered him. It wasn't long before it became a fight. It was bulldogs vs serpents.

I just stood there watching, mouth open as they tore each other apart.
I stand on the outskirts of the group I see Veronica lodge come up to the doorway of the student lounge. Her mouth falls open, mimicking mine. She turns on her heels and heads off.

I don't want to get involved but I know I must do something to stop this, it's already got way out of hand.

I step over to where reggie is fighting Jughead and place a hand on his shoulder.

"Reggie!" I snap loudly to be heard over the noise. "Don't do this." He turns to look at me but not for long, before he turns back to Jughead. I put my hands up and sigh in frustration.

Just then principal weatherbee walks in with Veronica standing behind him.


I sit on the uncomfortable brown leather sofa in principle weatherbee's office, feeling annoyed that I got dragged into this for trying to stop the fight. The principal stood at the head of the room with Veronica standing next to him.

"You all have a weeks detention for fighting."  He says in a calm but stern voice.

I scoff under my breath.

"Is there an issue here miss Blossom?"

"Yes. I wasn't involved in the fight, I was trying to break it up. I don't see why I have to have detention for that."

"That's not how it looked miss Blossom. Now I could have a word with your mother about this if you wish."

"No." I let out an annoyed sigh. My mother isn't the nicest of mothers and won't be too pleased her sweet little girl got detention for 'fighting' and she wouldn't believe me if I said otherwise anyway. "Fine"

"But I made myself clear to you Mr.Jones. Take off that jacket right now or you're suspended." Principal Weatherbee continues.

Veronica steps forward putting herself between the two, "Please, Jughead, just..."

"Well then I guess I'm suspended." He cuts her off. My eyes follow Jughead as he walks out of the offices. Wow
I feel at awe at the boy and his sense of loyalty towards his gang and his second skin. He was stupid yes but still very loyal.

As everyone files out of the room I pick up my bag and follow behind still very annoyed I got dragged into this whole mess.

I step out into the hallway and notice the boy with the serpent tattoo on his neck standing across from me leaning against the lockers.  When he sees me he stands up straight.  I don't know why I do but I walk over to him.

"Sorry you got dragged into that mess." He says his voice deep and rough.

"Well it's not your fault but thanks."

"Names sweet pea."

"Sweet pea?"


"Okay... my names Amelia. Nice to meet you."

Just then someone comes up behind me and places a hand on my left shoulder, " is there a problem here?" Reggie's voice booms.

"We were just chatting." Sweet pea says,  you can clearly tell he doesn't like reggie.

"Sister are you okay?" Cheryl says coming over and putting her hand on my other shoulder.

"I'm fine." I snap shaking them both off and turning to them.

"Was he troubling you Amelia?" Reggie says crossing his arms not taking his eyes of the boy behind me.

"No, okay so step of you high horse and I don't need you to protect me I can handle myself. now go."

"Only if your coming with little sister." Cheryl says stepping forward slightly and taking my hand.

"Whatever." I remove my hand from hers and walk off down he hallway. Both reggie and Cheryl follow behind. I quickly look behind me to sweet pea and send an apologetic look. Reggie catches my look and frowns at me.  I turn back around and stomp off to my next class.


Once home at thistle house I get out of Cheryl's car and walk into the house.

"Sister what's going on between you and that thug?" Cheryl says standing at the bottom of the stairs as I stomp up them to my bedroom.

"Nothing, He was just apologising about the fight. That's all." I say back, not turning to look at her as I walk into my room and shut the door behind me.

I spend the rest of the night doing my homework and watching a movie, bored out of my mind before I went to sleep.

Word count : 1185

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