Ch. 2 The New Guy

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That was the bell for everyone's next classes to start. "Oh no! Our science class is on the other side of the school! There's no way we'll be able to make it on time!" said Ember, panicking. "Or will we...?" I said, smiling mischievously. "Oh no, you're not gonna do what I think you are, are you?" "Oh come on!" I pleaded. "It's not like it's hurting anybody, right? It's either this or be late for class." "Fine." she said groaning.

 Ember grabbed my hand so that she wouldn't freeze, then with the flick of my wrist, everyone around me froze in place, except Ember. "Let's go, it's kind of creepy being around everyone while they're frozen." Said Ember. "Oh come on, it's not that bad." I said, trying to convince her.

We continued walk down the hall towards science class when suddenly i thought I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. "What was that!?" I said, coming to a halt. "Probably nothing." Ember said as she continued to speed walk down the hall. "No, I'm sure I saw something..." I told her looking from side-to-side to try and spot it again. "Can we just hurry up; right now Billy Sanders is staring right at me and it's REALLY creepy." "Ok." I said finally giving up.

Once we arrived at science class I flicked my wrist once more and everybody unfroze and continued what they were doing; just like nothing had happened. Ember and I made our way to our desks, mine being in the back row, third from the right and hers being right in front mine. We watched everyone walk in to class, recognizing every face, including our friend Blair who took a seat in her desk (which was right next to mine, on the right. But the last person to walk in I had never seen before, he looked shy and quiet. He took a seat in the back row, first on the left and in a corner.

"Hey Blair, recognize that guy over there?" I asked, leaning towards her. "No; He must be new." She replied. Suddenly you could hear most of the class whispering and they could be seen leaning over to their neighbours to talk.

"Good morning class!" It was our teacher, Mr. Stapleton. He's tall with short fuzzy brown hair and a short stubble beard that runs down the side of his head like sideburns on to his cheeks and chin, then over his top lip like a moustache. He was wearing a blue button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He also had faded blue jeans on to go with it.

"Good morning Mr.Stapelton." Replied the class with very low energy. "Hmm, you all seem tired? Well I have some good news that I think will wake you all up!" About half the class seemed to perk up a little bit after he said that. "We have a new student that will be joining us starting today!" He informed. The rest of the class lifted their heads off their desks and started to whisper to their friends about the news. "His name is Liam Taylor and he's from Washington."

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of "Time" I will hopefully be posting the next one pretty soon! Thanks for reading! ;)

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