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The next morning found the two lovebirds sleeping deeply, still entwined with each other's bodies. The peaceful atmosphere was almost enough to make Mettaton back out. But he knew this was just too good an opportunity to pass up. Sneaking in silently, he avoided any trash that was in his path and got as close as he could to the bed. Pulling out a digital camera that Undyne had upgraded, he quickly snapped a few pictures of the sleeping couple and hurried out of the room when Sans' one eye opened and trained onto him, the open eye glowing a menacing blue.

The skeleton sighed and nuzzled his skull against his wife's throat. He breathed in her scent. Almost immediately his mind supplied Lavender and honey, the sweet scent of his sleeping wife. He pressed lazy kisses against the nape of her neck and pulled her waist closer. She moaned lightly and shifted against him, making him grin lopsidedly. He ran his hands up and down her arms while she shivered at his touch. His caresses went from playful to sensual quicker than she could prepare for. His hands moving to fondle a breast, which she didn't bother to resist since she was only half awake. A rougher pinch to her nipple made her eyes flutter open and a small gasp pass her lips. She turned her head to look back at Sans, but he met her halfway into a loving yet rough kiss. She purred happily and kissed him back eagerly, but before it could escalate further, they heard the loud shuffling of feet outside their door. They sighed and reluctantly moved apart before the door was flung open by an overly cheerful Papyrus.


Frisk chuckled lightly and got out of bed, walking to Papyrus and giving him a playful punch to the ribs. He pretended to fall over, flailing dramatically. He gasped and gave a long monologue before 'dying'. Sans just chuckled and got up and jumped on top of his younger brother making him cough and wheeze in actual discomfort.

"OKAY, NOW I'M DYING!" He yelled loudly.

"No! How can I live without you, dear brother? I can't go on," he swooned and posed over his brother's 'dead' body. He hunched over in fake despair, "Cry. Sob. My fair brother, I shall avenge you." He then stood and went over to Frisk before falling to his knees in front of her. "Hark, dear brother, alas I cannot avenge thee. For how could one surely kill such an angel as this?" Bony hand met fleshy hands in a gentle embrace and Frisk blushed lightly. Mettaton joined in the fun, dropping to his knees and clutching Papyrus tightly to his chest, "Why, oh why, have the gods forsaken me and taken thee from me." He fake cried before standing and turning to face the 'killer'. He went to playfully swat her arm but a bony hand grasped a metal one and an intense fury burned in his flickering eye, "Touch her and you won't even live to regret it."

Everyone's eyes went wide and the game swiftly ended. Frisk hit Sans upside the head and apologized profusely to Mettaton. The robot nodded, understanding that Sans was probably just very protective of his pregnant wife, but the look in his eye was enough for Mettaton to avoid touching Frisk carelessly. Papyrus also scolded his older brother for a long while. Long enough for Mettaton to drag Frisk away to go shopping. After all, they needed to find her a wedding gown in the next few days.

Papyrus already knowing what Mettaton had planned drug a reluctant Sans out of the home. They went to Grillby's to have a long lunch. They really just needed to get out of the house for a few hours.


Mettaton dragged Frisk to Hotland much to her confusion. She looked up at the robot wondering what exactly he had planned, but his face gave nothing away. He only smiled down at her and ruffled her hair slightly. She huffed and flattened her hair as best as she could, but he only kept up his game of ruffling her hair until she finally settled for jumping on his back and throwing him slightly off balance while she forced him into a piggyback ride. He grunted and huffed at the sudden attack, but carried her even while he told her off for being careless.

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