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Sans stayed by Frisk's side, not moving to eat or sleep. He kept watch over her unconscious form, determined not to let anything happen to her. As far as visiting went, he couldn't help but be hostile and wary of those around him. Yes, he knew they were family and friends, but a part of him had nearly died when he had seen how battered she was, and he didn't want to take any chances. Another bout of tears trickled down his bony cheeks. Right then he knew he had failed her. If only he hadn't been working, he would've been able to pick her up from work, and none of this would have happened.

But here they were. An incapacitated wife, and a forlorn husband.

He tenderly stroked her cheek, leaning over her body. Tears stained the fabric beneath him, but he didn't care. His body wracked with sobs and he laid his head against the edge of the mattress. The only sounds in the room were slight sniffling and the gentle ticking of a nearby clock.

How was he supposed to live without her? She was the beacon of hope for not only all of the monsters, but she was his hope and joy. There would be no other for him. She was by his side for so long even after he admitted that she would've died by his hands if not for the promise he made with the queen. She had laughed at his jokes, took care of him even when he was falling apart at the seams, even going so far as to pledge her life to him.

That only brought another concern to his mind. What would she do if she ever awoke? She had seen him murder a man, granted he had it coming, but what would she do now that his secret was out? Now that she knew he was a cold blooded killer. The look in her eyes when he had shown up was one of relief and gratitude, but after the horrific scene, she looked up at him with fear and shock. The skeleton sobbed harder as the thought came, for he knew their lives would no longer be as simple as they once were.

The sound of creaking gave away the sulking human girl. Sans was quick to glare in her direction, stiffening above his unconscious wife. Although the girl wasn't the least bit intimidated by the mess of the monster before her. He wasn't very intimidating with his shaking bones and tear soaked skull. Approaching the bed slowly, she sat down at the foot of it and looked at her broken sister. It had been days since she was last awake, since they had seen her broken and bloody. Anger clouded her gaze and she balled her fists at her side. Her sadness masked by anger only made her wish that the fucker who did this was still alive so that she could have her turn torturing the worthless cretin.

Casting a glance at the skeleton now hunched over his wife, the human sighed and addressed him, "You know, she wouldn't want you to worry like this."

"What would you know?" He bit out harshly.

"Enough to know that she cares deeply for you. That she wouldn't want your health to suffer in place of hers."

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence, but after a moment she continued, "You should eat something and take a shower. Blood definitely isn't a good look on you."

He stiffened and looked up at the human, "I just.. I can't leave her side. She got hurt because I wasn't there, and now that she's at her weakest, I need to protect her."

"It's a little late for protecting. She's pretty banged up." The monster before her growled menacingly but she pressed on, "It's the truth, but it isn't something that can be changed. She's healing now and she'll wake up when she's ready."

The monster fell silent for a few minutes, but just when she went to open her mouth she heard a fragile whisper. "What if she doesn't?"

"She will. She's way too determined to let something like this stop her. Now go take care of yourself, if not for your sake, then for hers." The human looked down at her sister with a sad smile.

"Go. I'll stay by her side until you get back." She gently urged and moved to sit beside her sister's torso. San reluctantly nodded and left the room, softly shutting the door behind him.

"You have to wake up sometime, Frisk." She whispered while brushing her bangs out of her eyes. Tears welled up in the elder sister's eyes as she looked at her sister. She cried quietly and squeezed the unconscious girl's hand. Chara knew she shouldn't cry, everyone was devastated and they needed support. Someone strong to depend on, to give them hope, and she would be their well of strength. But a leader wasn't always strong, everyone had their breaking point, and she was far past being okay. Her facáde crumbled in the face of her broken sibling.

If only for a moment, she allowed herself to show her weakness, her grief, her doubts. She was torn in two, guilt embedded itself in her heart, and despair threatened to overwhelm her mind. If she hadn't taken those days to stay behind and clear up the adoption process, this wouldn't have happened. She could have protected her sister if it weren't for her oversight in her safety. After all, she was her bodyguard, what good was she if she wasn't around? Her lips tugged down into a pitiful frown and she squeezed Frisk's hand tighter. She had to live, they had so much lost time to make up for. Surely the gods weren't so cruel as to bring them back together after a decade only to take her away once more.

A few minutes were spent mulling over her depressing thoughts, but another feeling surged forward.


Her sister would not die. She would make absolutely sure that nothing would keep her from life. Nothing more would harm the young monster girl. Chara wiped her eyes, a fiercely intense look schooling her features, "No, sister. You won't ever be taken from me again. I will protect you with my very life, so please.. wake up soon."

The human leaned forward and kissed her sister's forehead gently before settling back onto the floor by her bed. She kept a silent vigil by the bedside and waited for either Sans to return or her sister to wake up.

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