Making Moves

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Papyrus had been feeling a bit run down lately. His job in the royal guard was nice and what he had always dreamed of, but here lately he was so bored of having to guard the border between the mountain and the city. He hated that the monsters without special permits had to be shipped back to the mountain at the end of the day, but he understood that there was still much work to be done in convincing the humans to coexist peacefully. Truthfully, he was beginning to doubt that the humans would ever willingly allow the monsters to live in peace. His confidence was suffering daily and he felt as if his job was merely nothing more than babysitting.

It hurt to know that his people suffered daily. More casualties were being reported and most of the monsters were becoming frightened with the increasing amount of violence amongst the humans. He sighed and scuffed his foot along the dirt path, sending bits of soft earth upward. The only thing that brought him any type of joy was his rising star. Mettaton was a beacon of hope to the depressed skeleton, always by his side giving him gentle encouragement and reassurance. The robot made him happier than anyone else in the world, but he was often afraid, the violence for their kind only making him grow more protective and worrisome over the independent man. He did not wish to overstep and come off as clingy and annoying, but he worried greatly everyday that Mettaton left to work on the surface.

Shaking his head, he brushed all those thoughts aside and focused on giving his report to the new guard since his shift was officially over. After swapping with the new guard, Papyrus turned on his heel and  ventured up the dirt path that lead back to the cave entrance, leaving behind the starry night and calm blowing breeze. The walk back home was a long one, and although he could've taken a ride on River Person's boat, he chose to walk the entire way back home in order to gather his thoughts.

Truthfully he was weary, wanting nothing more than the quiet, peaceful days before the barrier had been broken. The humans wanted nothing to do with monsters, and even trying to live was a struggle. The only one he could vent his frustrations to was his wonderful boyfriend. Any time the skeleton had come home after a long day of dealing with police reports and hurt monsters, the robot would welcome him home with a small smile and open arms. He didn't know how to repay his lover for all of the wonderful things he had done, but he had a pretty good idea.

He stopped by waterfall and talked to the little echo flowers for a while before continuing on his way home. When he walked inside the door, he found Mettaton watching some reality TV show from the human world. Papyrus quietly closed the door and snuck up on his boyfriend since he was engrossed in his program.
Wrapping his bony arms around his lover earned him a startled shriek. The skeleton chuckled softly and pressed a soft kiss to the side of the robot's face.

"I'm home, sweetheart." He whispered softly. MT wrapped his arms around the skeleton's, "Welcome home, darling. How was work today?"

The robot felt his stiffness and shook his head, "I'm sorry, love. That was such a silly question. We don't have to discuss it."

Papyrus hopped over the couch, sitting beside his boyfriend. He let his hand encircle the metal one, "No. Don't worry, we can talk about it, but not tonight. Let's get out of here. Go do something fun."

Mettaton gave a heartfelt smile, "I'd like that. Where do you want to go? Well, you know since we're stuck underground right now anyway."

Paps didn't let in on his plan, but gave a happy smile, "Let's go out to eat. I'm sure we've had enough pasta to last for a while now."

The robot nearly fainted and put a hand to his bony skull, "Are you sure you're my boyfriend? The great papyrus would never pass up the chance to cook."

"HAR, HAR. Get your coat, we've got a long night ahead of us!" He smiled softly.

The robot laughed and did grab a coat, but couldn't help but wonder about his skeleton. He wasn't shouting like normal, was he sick? He wondered if something bad had happened, but after their earlier conversation, he wasn't sure if bringing it up would be a good idea. After pulling on his coat, the two walked hand in hand to Grillby's.

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