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It was your typical autumn afternoon, outside it was pouring with rain and the sky filled with clouds making it seem darker than it was, although considering it was 3pm it would definitely be getting dark within the hour.

You were home alone and ran out of things to do, you'd already baked cookies, watched three movies and checked every social media possible. Now you were just laying acorss your sofa with some tv series playing in the background.

Your phone buzzed from beside you, picking it up you saw that one of your best friends was calling you.

"Hey Y/N" He speaks

"Hey Blake, what's up?" You reply

"Me and Reece are kinda stuck" He answers

"What do you mean?" You respond very confused

"George was supposed to pick us up from the station but his mums car broke down, we really don't wanna get a taxi either" He explains

"You want me to come and get you?" You laugh

"I mean if you're not busy, we also need to crash at yours until they get the car working because we don't have a key to G's house" He adds

"I'll be there in ten" You tell him before hanging up

Quickly pulling on your trusty pair of vans and a jacket you grab your keys and start driving towards the train station, you didn't know if you had forgotten the boys were coming today or if they had just not told you, either way you had no idea.

You pull into the station and spot the two tall boys slightly huddled together with their arms around themselves to keep warm, you turn the heating on before pulling up beside them.

"Get in losers" You say rolling the windows down

"Thank you sooo much Y/N/N" Reece gets into the back seat whilst Blake hops in the front, their luggage in the boot

"No worries, now please tell me why you only have hoodies on in this weather" You respond

"Yeah I have no answer to that i'm just dumb" Reece replies

"I left my jacket in mums car once she dropped me off" Blake answers

"You're both so clever" You joke

You arrive at your house after the short drive, helping the boys bring their cases in and leaving them in the hall.

"Go grab some blankets from my room, i'll make you both some hot chocolate" You speak once their shoes were off

"I'm gonna change into comfier clothes, these jeans are so wet" Blake replies

"Why didn't you wait inside the station" You ask

"Oh yeah that would have made more sense" Blake's eyes widen

"Idiots" You mumble walking into the kitchen

Once the boys were changed you all settled on your sofa under blankets with warm drinks, it was a lot darker by now so you closed the blinds and turned on the lights around the room.

"Shall we watch a movie?" Reece asks

"When do you reckon George will be back?" You reply

"The AA van only just got there, he can come and join us when he gets home" Blake responds looking up from his phone

"Sure, you can all just stay over then" You smile

"Oh, also I made cookies earlier if your hungry? We can order a dominos" You add

"I'll order it now, Blake choose a movie" Reece says standing up to go and ring the takeout

"What do you wanna watch?" Blake asks

"I don't mind, i've already seen three movies today" You laugh

"How about a christmas film?" He suggests

"You know I can't turn that down" You grin

"Grinch" He says

"Of course" You smile

He sets the movie up but leaves it on pause until Reece returns

"Should be here in twenty" He says sitting back down on the sofa

The three of you cuddled up to each other, Blake on your right and Reece on your left. George arrived shortly after the pizza did and snuggled down next to Reece on the sofa.

After watching the grinch you decided to watch all the home alones, and at some point you fell asleep one by one with the movie still playing in the background.

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