n e w f l a t

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"well guess that's the hardest part done" your friend, india, falls backwards onto the floor

"until all our furniture gets delivered and we have to build it" you reply, leaning against the bare walls

"you mean WE have to build it" blake jokes

"wE hAvE tO bUiLd It" india mocks

"mehmehemeheh" he mocks back

"can we order pizza now?" george asks

"if you're okay eating it on the floor go ahead" you reply

"oh good because i already ordered it" he grins

"why does this not surprise me?" india rolls her eyes

"Y/N WHERE'S THE GLASSES?" reece shouts across the hall

"IN A BOX DUMBASS" you shout back

"WHICH ONE?" he responds

"OH I DON'T KNOW, MAYBE THE ONE LABELED GLASSES" you stand from where you were sat on the floor to go and help him

you enter the kitchen to see reece stood between a stack of boxes

"do you need glasses to read the word glasses" you walk over the the box sharpied glasses

"very funny" he rolls his eyes

you reach up to the box stacked ontop of two others and attempt to lift it over to the counter

"feel free to help me" you struggle

"oh sorry" he jumps over a box and grabs the current one off you with ease

"thank you bibs" you smile

"shall we just unpack the last few boxes now or wait until after we've eaten?" he asks

"the kitchen is the only thing left for today, let's have a break" you smile

"well in that case, gimme a second" he walks over to his duffle bag which is placed in the corner along with the other two boys bags

"let's make the first night in your new flat memorable ay?" he pulls out two bottles of champagne

"your a cheeky bugger" you laugh as he dances over to you

"you know it" he smirks

he pours two glasses as you hop onto the counter. he hands you a glass and stands infront of you

"cheers" he holds up his glass to you

"cheers" you smile clinking your glass with his

you both take a sip before looking at each other with smiles on your faces

"pizzas here" george walks into the kitchen before pausing

"what's going on here" he smirks

"nothing" you hop of the counter

"nothing at all" reece jumps back

"i've got my eyes on you bibby, better not be hitting on my sister" george narrows his eyes and points towards him as he backs out the door

"god help us when i ask you out" reece shakes his head starting to leave the room

"woah woah woah, what" you grab his arm pulling him back

"oh" he realises what he said

"you want to ask me out" you look up into his eyes

"uh yeah see, i want to but i have no idea how you feel about me because i'm dumb and don't understand girls and also george would-" you cut him off by grabbing his shirt and pull him close, placing your lips on his

"yes" you smile standing flat footed again

he just grins and leans down to kiss you again

"he-ohhhhh" you and reece spin round to see blake stood in the doorway grinning

"what do we have here then?" he smirks

"he finally spilled the tea" you joke wrapping your arm around his waist

"took your time mate" he laughs

"yeah whatever" reece slaps his arm

"so where you going?" blake asks whilst picking up the bottle of champagne and examining it before pouring a glass

"i'm going to surprise her" reece looks down at you smiling

"oh really" you question

"yep, tomorrow at 7, dress casual" he grins

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