u n c l e j

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A/N: This is a little preview of something i'm currently working on, not too sure if i'll post much of it as i'm stuck on a few chapters currently. H x


"and you're sure Josh is okay with this?" i repeat for the third time down the phone to my mum

"yes, his always happy to see you" she replies

"ugh okay, i'll be home tomorrow morning though" i sigh

"don't rush hunny, i'll see you tomorrow" she speaks and i can tell she was smiling

"bye mum, love you" i finish

"love you too, goodnight" she hangs up

to explain this situation in short i am currently sat in euston at 8:30pm with no trains back home, they've all been delayed or cancelled and quite frankly i just need to sleep. luckily my mums step brother lives in london so the only option i really have is to crash at his tonight and go home tomorrow.

i get up from my spot on the cold floor and start ringing my uncle, it takes him a while but he eventually picks up

"Bea? what's up?" he answers confused

"hey Josh, how you doing?" i reply

"i'm good, how was your audition?" he asks excitedly

"uh average, i really don't think i'll have got a place" i respond truthfully

i had a uni audition this afternoon and well i messed up

"anyway that's not what i called for, um all my trains home are either delayed or cancelled and i'm just so tired i don't wanna wait anymore, mum said to see if you were free" i speak

"uh i have a few people round right now where abouts are you?" he asks

"oh, i'm in euston at the moment" i answer

"okay make your way over here and we'll finish up" he replies

"are you sure? i don't want to intrude" i worry

"Bea you're fine i'd rather you be safe than try to get home now it's getting late" he chuckles

"i'm 18 now Josh, i can look after myself" i sigh

"mm hmm sure, text me when you're here and i'll buzz you in bye" he hangs up

"sure thanks see you soon" i speak to myself sarcastically

i make my way down to the tubes and try to remember the route to his flat, half an hour later i'm stood outside his building ringing the buzzer

first ring, no answer

second ring, no answer

"can you stop ringing the buzzer please" a voice speaks through the small speaker on the buttons

"well then can you let me in please?" i respond

"who are you?" the voice asks

"Bea, Josh stop being dumb and let me in it's freezing"

"JOSH" the voice suddenly shouts

"who are you?" i speak realising it probably wasn't josh who answered

"someone's at the door" this mysterious voice speaks, clearly not to me

"uh fine, i'll buzz you in" he says before the door screeches at me to push it open

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