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you were currently on tour with your brother George Smith and his band New Hope Club. you'd always wanted to travel america so when they were announced as a support act for Sabrina Carpenter you gave him no choice but to let you go with them as it also happened to be your gap year.

today was a day off which is spent travelling from one city to the next. meaning being stuck on the tour bus for almost nine hours. usually you'd play xbox games or watch movies during this time but you were feeling super tired from the past four days of constant shows and travelling.

"y/n moveee" George shoves your feet off the sofa

"i was comfy" you whine

"well now you're not" he laughs

you huff and move your legs so your feet are now resting on his lap

the boys flick the small tv screen on and choose a game to play, which always ends up being fifa but it's fun to watch them argue between the three set games you have on the bus.

"we always play fifa and i always lose it's not fair" Blake complains

"but you always win at call of duty" Reece responds

"which is exactly why we should play gta" George adds

"hey how bout we play a game called be quiet i wanna sleep" you speak

"if you wanna be lazy go sleep in your bunk" Blake responds

"i was nice and cosy back here first, go watch a movie out front" you reply

"we wanna play a game though, you go out front" George fights back

"fine, i'm sure Tanner and Ben will be nice and quiet" you stand up taking your blanket with you as it was cold

you walk through the bunks closing both doors each end and sitting down across from Ben on the table benches

"what's up" he asks looking up from his laptop momentarily

"boys" you sighs getting comfy on the bench

"arguing over a game?" he chuckles

"correct" you reply

"we're stopping for food in an hour so they can let some energy off then" Josh speaks

"can we leave them there?" you ask

"i wish" Ben jokes

the next hour passes and you just manage to get to sleep when shouting wakes you up, the boys come running through the bus to the door.

"chipotle oh my gosh yes" Blake grins

"what nooo taco bell!" George jokingly punches him

"just get your food and meet back on the bus" Reece tells them both

"y/n what do you want?" he then asks you

"get me whatever, i'm gonna try and get back to sleep" you respond

"okay" he smiles softly understanding how tiresome tour can be

"thanks" you smile back

you decide to just wait up and eat food before trying to fall asleep again otherwise you won't sleep tonight. about ten minutes later Reece returns with a bag of mcdonalds, he joins you on the bench placing the food on the table infront of you

"taco bell had a massive queue and i was hungry so got us twenty chicken nuggets to share" he grins

he pulls out a box of twenty chicken nuggets, two large fries, two fantas and two mcflurrys

"thank you bibs" you smile

"no worries smiffy" he smiles back

you start eating your food whilst waiting for the other four to get back

Ben and Tanner were next with their chipotle, Blake shortly after. George stumbles onto the bus ten minutes later with a large bag of food grinning to himself.

"why so much food?" Ben stares at the bag in his hands

"i thought i'd get extra, put it in the fridge and have it for lunch tomorrow too" he grins thinking it was the best idea on the planet

"you know we could just stop and get a fresh taco bell" Blake states

"oh yeah" George furrows his brows

"and this is why you're the dumb one" you grin

"at least i'm not lazy and got my own food" he comes back

"but did you or did you not just get a second lunch to save yourself going out and getting one tomorrow" you smirk

"tactics y/n, tactics" he winks

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