j e a l o u s

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"Blake stop!" You squealed

"Why this is fun" He grins, continuing to plait your hair very messily, most likely leaving plenty of knots

"I'm gonna look like hagrid in a minute" You joke

"Oh shut up, you still look good, you can pull anything off" He laughs

"Hmm okay Richardson if I go put a bin bag on I would not look good" You roll your eyes at his lame flirty comments

"You'd look like wonderful trash" He chuckles

"Will you two shut up?" Reece snaps

The room goes silent, the only noise being the sound of the tv playing The Grinch

"Thank you" He sighs

The awkward silence carries on for a few minutes so you excuse yourself to make a cup of tea feeling self concious sat under Blake's touch

As you are making the tea you hear a commotion in the living room so creep over to hear what's going on

"You know I like her! Can you stop trying to make her fall in love with you, you get all the girls" Reece whisper shouts

"Dude I don't like her like that! We're just friends" Blake hisses back

"Oh whatever Blake" Reece retorts

"You know what Reece if you love her so much why don't you do something about it bc one day she will find someone n you can't keep yelling at everyone for it, she's a beautiful girl, a guy will come along soon enough" Blake states

"It's not that easy Blake" He goes quiet

The kettle pings so you re-enter the kitchen and finish up the teas, you wash up the spoon and carry the mug through the hall to the lounge. just as you're about to walk through the door Reece walks out resulting in your tea spilling straight down the white  jumper you had on

"Oh my god i'm so sorry" Reece panics

"Here let me get you a towel is it hot? shit I didn't mean to y/n honestly" He rushes to the kitchen meanwhile you kinda just laugh

"Why are you laughing?" He blushes red in embarrassment

"It's fine reece calm down" You laugh

"I'm so sorry" He kinda laughs too

"Here" He helps you wipe up the spilt tea then follows you upstairs to change your jumper

"Uh so I actually came to talk to you about something" He mumbles as you walk up the stairs

"Oh" You look down at him already having an idea what he'll say

"So uh, i'm awful at this stuff as you know-" He starts

"I like you too" You smile, helping him out

"What?" He looks directly into your eyes now

"I heard you and Blake" You mumble

"Oh" He blushes

"Is that not what you were going to say?" You ask

"No it was I just, I didn't really think you'd like me back" He chuckles

"Will this prove it?" You ask, gaining a wave of confidence

You lean into him, reaching up on your tiptoes to wrap your arms round his neck and slowly meet his lips with your own. It takes him a few seconds but he reacts by pulling you closer with his hands on your hips, his lips warming your own

You both pull away with grins on your face

"I've waited a while to do that" He jokes

"You have no idea" You reply

"I know we've known each other years but instead of rushing into this would you like to start out by going on a date with me tomorrow afternoon?" He asks

"Of course bibs" You smile

"Marvellous, now let's get you changed and a new cuppa" He laughs

"Go stick the kettle on then" You demand jokingly

"Of course darling" He bows

He exits the room to leave you to get changed from your jeans and jumper into leggings and one of his hoodies left on the side of your bed from this morning

You shortly join him in the kitchen to see two mugs and a couple of biscuits, you side hug him each taking your own mug and rejoining the boys in the living room. the two of you sit together on the opposite sofa to Blake and George, suspiciously close

"Told you" George nods at Blake

"Finally" Blake grins

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