p r e t t y

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It was a quiet day at work, Tuesdays usually are. You were wiping down the last customers table when the door chimed. You looked up to see a young girl and a slightly older boy enter. You smile across to them as you finish cleaning the table and walk to the till counter to serve them.

"Hi how may I help you?" You smile

"May I have a hot chocolate and brownie please?" The young girl asks

"Regular or Large?" You ask her

She looks up at the older boy, you assume was her brother

"Large" He chuckles

"Also i'll have a regular cappuccino please" He adds

"Is that all for today?" You ask typing their order into the tills

"Yes thank you" The older boy smiles

"That'll be £5.35 then please" You state

"Thank you" He smiles paying with his phone

"I'll bring those over to you shortly" You grin

"Thanks" He responds

You start making the two drinks and place the brownie onto a plate with a knife and napkin. You pour the drinks into two glasses and balance them onto the tray.

You then carry them over the the pair sat on the sofas across the small cafe.

"Thank you" They both smile

You walk back over to tills and clean up what you just made. There were no other customers around so you bent behind tills and checked your phone quickly, seeing a snapchat from your best friend you opened it to her complaining about being stuck babysitting. You usually did it together because she wasn't the best with kids however you were great with them. You laughed to yourself before going to reply but getting caught.

"Hi, um sorry" The voice caught you offguard and you jumped up slightly hitting your head

"Sorry" You smile at the boy

"Are you okay?" He asks

"I'm fine, sorry about that" You blush embarrassed

"It's okay, do you have a toilet my sister can use?" He asks

"Just round the corner on the left" You reply

"Thank you" He replies before going back over to his sister who then walks to the toilet

You decide against using your phone again until they were gone, instead standing by the till trying not to look bored.

The girl shortly arrives back and they continue their conversation, with nothing else to do you decide to evesdrop but without making it obvious you look out the cafe window.

"Don't you think she's really pretty" The young girl speaks

"Uh yeah" The boy replies

"I love her hair, do you think mummy could do mine like that?" She questions

"Maybe, you'll have to ask her later" He answers

"Are you going to stop looking at her?" She laughs

"Huh?" He sounds rushed

I look over quickly to see him with slightly pink cheeks, his sister laughing at him. I take this moment to have a proper look at him. He has a well structured face, a few freckles dotted around from what you could see, and even from the side you could tell he had bright blue eyes. His hair was messy, but the nice kind of messy. He wore a navy blue hoodie and blue jeans with black converse. You'd be lying if you said you didn't think he was attractive. You turned away quickly seeing his sister look over at you.

"Do you like her?" She asks him

"What? I don't even know her" He defends

"Do you want too?" She raises her eyebrows

It goes silent for a second so you look over to them to see him already staring at you, you feel yourself blushing so quickly look down at the counter, feeling your hair fall beside your face you tuck it behind your ear before hearing his reply

"Yeah" He mumbles, but in a loud enough voice you heard due to the empty room

His sister then whispers something to him and he shakes his head laughing

"If you don't I will" She jokingly threatens

"Fine" She stands up after he doesn't reply

You look over and see her walking towards you

"Lexi don't" He warns

"Hi, my brother likes you, can he get your number?" She asks

You look over at him, his head in his hands resting on the table, you laugh a little. He seemed genuine enough, and was also very good looking.

"Sure" You smile writing your number onto a napkin, leaving a little x on the end

"Thank you" She grins

She walks back over and hands her brother the napkin whilst his still part laughing

"I don't even know your name" He shouts over

"Same to you" You laugh

"Hi, my names Reece, nice to meet you" He walks over to you

"Y/N, nice to meet you too" You grin

"I'm Lexi" His younger sister pops in

"Care to join us? You don't seem too busy" He asks

"I have half hour until my manager's back" You reply

"We'll be gone in twenty" He grins

You join the two sat beside the tills, learning basic things about each other, twenty minutes quickly passes and you have to get back to work. However they don't leave without Reece asking you on a date tomorrow.

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