f l i g h t s

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"Move your leg" George elbows your leg resulting in you falling of the chair

"G!" You turn to him in shock

"I needed to move" He shrugs

"I was asleep!" You reply

"Eh, want anything from starbucks before we board?" He asks

"Caramel Iced Coffee please" You reply sitting back the chair, uncomfortably

"Better wake the boys up" He says before walking off

You look over to Reece and Blake who were asleep across from you, Blake had his head on Reece's shoulder

"Lads, get up we're boarding in ten minutes" You speak poking each of their cheeks

"Hmm what?" Reece replies before opening his eyes

"We're going to our gate when G gets back" You say

"I can sleep again on the plane right?" Blake asks

"Considering it's 8 hours yes" You laugh

George shortly arrives with four drinks, you all take yours, aswell as hand luggage bags and make your way to the gate. You are travelling to New York for the boys to do some promo and surprise shows before tour starts in a week. You're only going because Ben, Tanner and Joe aren't flying in until a day before tour starts with the Vamps boys and they needed some sort of supervision over the next six days or they'd be late to everything.

You all board the plane and find your seats, you were all in a row on the left side of the plane. You bagged the window seat, George to your left, Reece next to him and Blake on the end.

You settle down and watch the regular take off talk before speeding down the runway and into the air.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" George asks

"I think i'm gonna get some sleep, it's nightime in New York right now" You reply, trying to lessen the jetlag which was inevitable

"Okay, sleep well" He smiles

You pull your earphones out and play your 'slow' playlist. You bring your leg up and rest it against the plane wall whilst using your arm to rest on your knee and lean your head on your arm to create a makeshift pillow due to forgetting your neck pillow. Before you know it you're falling asleep.


"Y/N" You hear as you're shook awake

"Mm" You hum whilst rubbing your eyes

"We got you some food, since we didn't get dinner yet" George says handing you a tray

"Oh thanks" You reply still half asleep

You all sit eating your 'dinner' whilst talking quietly since the majority of the plane is asleep. You're three hours into the flight, only four more to go. Once you've finished eating you all connect screens and watch a movie together, each falling asleep at different points in the film.


{Sorry it's short, I really had no idea what to write for this, the next few chapters are better I promise}

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