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Dear Future,

I'm trying to stay optimistic for you. I'm really trying.

You deserve to be happy − please know that. You need to stay strong in all of this; you can't let heartbreak keep bringing you down.

You need to move on from all of this − every single heartbreak, every little obstacle, every rejection − you need to stay on track.

Future, you need to do all of this.

I know it's difficult; I know you think it's been happening too many times; I know you want things to change; I know you feel like it's all your fault.

But it's not; it's not your fault, Future.

It's no one's fault. It's the other person's problem; if they don't want to be with you, they don't want to be with you; if they don't see you that way, they just don't. There are some things we can't help but feel; there are some things we just can't control.

People change their minds; people make mistakes.

So do you.

Don't let this discourage you; don't let this be your last fight; don't let this be where you draw the line or give up on relationships.

Don't let yourself go.

Don't give up on yourself.

You're amazing; you're beautiful; you're intelligent. You can do whatever you set your mind to do. One little hiccup, one heartbreak shouldn't dictate your entire life; don't let your flaws or issues define you.

You need to move past this, Future; do it for us.

Do what you know is right; do what you need to do.

Cry and cry and cry your eyes out until you can't cry anymore; stalk him on social media; hate him from the very depths of your soul; call him out on all his flaws.

Think about him before you go to sleep and when you wake up in the morning; think about him when there's something that reminds you of him; every detail, every gift, every card, every memory.

Just feel all of that. Let your mind wander; let yourself feel what you need to feel.

Then, talk to someone − anyone− about this; tell them how you feel; consider their advice; listen to them.

Find something you enjoy and do it; find a club; find a hobby; find something to occupy your time; find something to distract yourself from digging your own grave.

Let your mind wander to more possibilities.

Just think about all those possibilities that the world has to offer.

Then, soon enough, you'll be who you're meant to be; you won't rely on the other person; you won't need to rely on another person. You won't need someone to lean on, to cry on, to hold onto; you won't need someone else.

You're free; do what you can with this freedom; make the most of it. You should be the only one allowed to dictate your life and how you want to live it.

You just have to keep going; you have to get over this mountain; don't let the things around you distract you from your goals.

I know it can be tempting to get distracted by your surroundings; you want to look; you want to succumb to the things of the past, but you can't; you can't let yourself.

Don't let yourself.

You need to do this, Future

There are people who care about you; there are people who want you to achieve; the people who leave you aren't meant to be in your life; those people just don't align with the objectives in your life; those people won't complete you.

You need to get out there and find something to complete yourself; you need to find your goal; you need to find what fulfills you. 

No one is going to hand that to you; no one is going to figure it out for you; no one is going to help you; no one is going to tell you what you want and what you need better than you.

Only you know yourself.

Future, I believe in you; I just need you to believe in yourself.

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