small things (Imallexx x Reader) part one

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  3rd person PoV 

you sat you desk eagerly watching the clock, waiting for the bell to ring, waiting to leave you were tapping your leg already finished with the exam a while ago, you swear you could cry from how anxious you were to leave, and maybe that wasn't the only reason-- you could feel the glares of old friends you were unsure as to what had happened and why you were an outcast in just one hour away from two of them, and it wasn't just your friends the whole school had kinda been ignoring your existence 'god what did I do, and why has everyone believed it rumors never get believed by the whole school' you couldn't help but get lost in thought but at least to take your attention away from the time.  But it didn't last for long you had decided to try to ask one more time before totally giving up and sitting where you sat today for the rest of your school life and be the person all the urban legends are about. You leaned down to grab your bag from under your seat since it was less than a minute until class was over you slipped it on right before the bell sounded, you grabbed your friend Harper by her wrist as she left the portable your last class was in she turned around but before you could even speak she shoved you on to the ground shrieking "Get off of me you freak!" 

  You sat up tears threatening to pour from your eyes "What the hell Harper, why is nobody in the group or the whole fucking school for that matter talking to me!" you screamed back gripping her arm again. 

  " Do we really need a reason to ignore someone like you." she seethed trying to yank her arm back but you refused to let go. "let go of me (y/n), I don't want to talk about this anymore" she yanked her arm back again before rearing her other arm to punch you.   

  You stared blankly at her she paused thinking you would've pulled back by now "I know you won't do it, your parents will kill you, make my life hell why don't you but I will do it back, I don't need you in my life you bitch!" you spat leaning close to her " fuck you, you should've explained yourself when you had the chance but I don't want to spend any other time in this hell hole with you." you shoved her to the ground like she had to you and walked away tears still in your eyes but you didn't want to cry until you got to the park your new second home since your friends weren't your friends anymore.

  You reached the park and found a tree an okay distance from the entrance before balling yourself up and sobbing into your hands, you tried to compose yourself, you reached for your phone from your bag that was now at your side, you heard the vibration of a call. Once you actually got a hold of it you answered knowing you didn't have time to read before it disappeared, you prepared for the worse but when you were able to read the caller ID it showed it was Alex. "hey, (y/n)" his voice echoed through your head the weird robotic tones on the phone made him sound less of a genuine human but you still smiled hearing that small voice. 

  "Hey, I'm going to take a train down to see you today I'm not going to school tomorrow I uhh am afraid to after what happened, I'll explain when I get there will you meet me at the second closest station to your house at around sixish I'll tell you if you have to meet me there around 7." (if you haven't picked this up your like an American exchange student going to an England school and you live a town away ) 

  "Umm.. yeah sounds good do you want me to set up the gu-"you interrupted before he could finish.

  "Don't go through the trouble we aren't going to sleep," you cringed at how that sounded "I didn't mean it like that." you laughed awkwardly 

  " aww man got my hopes up, I totally want to smash a 17-year-old," he said joking.

  "Fuck you, you know I turned 18 like last month-- but that's not the point asshole."

  after having a debate on some dumb ass shit you were walking back to the school provided apartment then you remembered they know where you lived and could be waiting for you there you decided to at least check and alas, they were. You could try to climb to the balcony but they probably had someone inside. You hated this, turning around in the direction of the train station and running until the street turned you pulled out your phone saying you only could bring some shit from school explaining why you couldn't grab clothes asking if you could borrow his for the next couple days seeing as how serious they were taking it one day might have to be more like three. but at least you had the important stuff hidden or on you, other than a ps4 but you hoped it wasn't a steal shit thing and more a beat her up thing. 

he texted back in the time it took you to get to the station "oh shit, yeah well, of course, you can I don't have any of your clothes but I'm sure you'll fit some of my clothes maybe not my pants miss thicc, but you can buy some when you get over here for the next time you stay over as abruptly." you smiled reading the message as you heard over the intercom it was your train you saw it was five so you would make it there at six you texted him that and he was rather enthusiastic about your stay. 


hey so I think this might actually lead into another book because I had so much fun writing this and yes there will be a part two to this one don't worry your little heads my dear readers but just look out to see if I do make it a book, I will definitely have fun if I turn this into another book and I'll update both books to make it big But this chapter will repeat in it if the person reading this has not seen this book <3 thanks 

bye bye- O

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