dumbass ( bluesdank x reader)

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(Your PoV)

The blue hue from the light shining through my umbrella as the rain falls around me is such a mood. you laughed to yourself as thoughts passed through your brain my sneakers only slightly wet seeing as it was only a drizzle. I checked my phone, no notifications I sighed I was late for a package that Henry had sent I was supposed to be home like fifteen minutes ago I pulled up our text chat.

loser: Hey sorry I may or not have missed your package ... got held in at work.

Dankboy: I figured you would... hopefully, it came late. on my tracker is it says its late if you rush you might be able to make it, so run you asshole.

loser: k

With that, I shoved my phone in my pocket and closed my umbrella despite it still raining it would be easier to run without it in my hand shoving it in my bag, I bolted. I really didn't have the time to go pick the gift up. I was so glad when I had made it home and found nothing waiting for me, I opened the door and dumped my bag and umbrella onto the floor next to the door. Dropping on the couch with a sigh of relief, I pulled out my phone and texted him.

loser: :/ I made it, what does your tracker say blue boyyo?

Dankboy: It'll be there in like 5-10 minutes traffic must've been bad.

loser: well the closest delivery service to my town is in Bellevue which is a terrible drive just because of the traffic. But thanks anyway.

Dankboy: okay you can shut up and just be prepared for when it comes.

I rolled my eyes and closed my phone, my roommate and best friend came out of her room to greet me she flopped on the couch next to me with a giant smile.

"Hey y/n, you get held in at work again by the 'big man'" she giggled at her dumb joke and I smiled shaking my head at how unfunny she is.

"shut up, that creep always does this but were both too poor to have me just quit out of the blue, so I'll deal with it for now." I got up preparing for a knock as y/bsf/n turned on the tv to bob's burgers or whatever.

I leaned on the couch watching the show, I didn't think I had seen it before so def, not bob's burgers. I heard a light knock on my door I walked over and paused before opening it turning my head to y/bsf/n because she said something and I didn't understand it.

"what did you say y/bsf/n I di-" I turned my head back to the door while I was speaking and completely stopped when I saw Henry, I borderline tackled him when I went to hug him. He laughed and planted a kiss on my cheek and let go of me, I reluctantly let go of him. he walked in dragging his bag with him.

y/bsf/n looked over at him and nonchalantly greeted him "Hey Henry, aren't you glad you got food before coming, y/n is always late coming home?" she laughed.

"You knew he was coming, you guys are assholes," I yelled fake pouting. they chuckled and I walked into the kitchen whilst Henry and y/bsf/n talked in the living room for a little before Henry took his stuff into my room. He knows I don't mind but you still hadn't told anyone not even bsf/n. Eh, she probably won't care maybe she will think we are just playing video games and we fell asleep doing that or were to dead tired to even have him move to the couch. I followed after him into the room and as quietly as possible when he turned around he stumbled.

He yelped "fuck you y/n."

I rolled my eyes "you wish you could."

he chuckled "maybe I do."

"okay fuck off Henry, we don't talk sexually in my Christian household."

"Fine, anyway just letting you know I'm only staying a week or something."

I nodded walking out of the room him following. "that's a good chunk of time to be with you, do you plan to tell people about our relationship because if we don't y/bsf/n might tell on us."

Henry shrugged "if she tells on us I don't mind just being honest it'll be a big bang and we might get on everybody's favorite keemstar," He continued tease before we heard a muffled voice in y/bsf/n's room I opened the door.

"what did you say?" I leaned in the doorway of her room.

"You guys are dating!!!!????" she exaggerated.

Henry whispered, "drama alert here we come."

"you aren't telling anyone!" I basically screeched.

"oops already did that," she said showing us her phone as she hit send before I or Henry could even react.

"yeah fuck you okay, FUCK YOU," I yelled closing her door, "no food for you"

"nuuuuuuuuuu," she screamed before starting to laugh.


hey, ... I'm posting, also this was recommended so I wrote it. Remember I love it when you interact haha.

864 words.

bye, bye -O

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