yellow basket, lost letters (quackity hq )

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this rec. came from two people : khowlen and Sugarsweet888 :) you two and many more enjoy this chapter


3rd PoV
   The thundering of rain hitting the  window woke you up it must have been windy since the rain was WAY louder then usual. You went to get up but were met with the groans of your boyfriend, Alexis. You smiled shaking you head lightly you tried to get up again but her groaned louder and a muffled "No," escaped his lips a whine accompanied this as he pulled you even closer.

  You pouted, "beg all you want, but I need water, or you'll be cradling a dead body soon enough," your voice had a slight rasp to it making the fact you needed water more know, but Alex wasn't planning on letting go anytime soon.

  His arms wrapped around tighter the more you laughed and struggled, so the devious mother fucker you are began to tickle his stomach so when his arms detached from your body, you took the opportunity to leap out of bed and rush to the kitchen but Alex was right behind you. Laughing was filling the house as he chased you. It was hard to remember you came out here for water you were having so much fun, you and Alexis were doing the cliche of using a table to protect yourself. So you pulled out your phone and started recording, "Help, Quackity is gonna murder me!" you shouted laughter following your words before he began chasing you again the recording stopped with a blurry screen of you running and you scream laughing.

  This went on for maybe an hour you weren't keeping track. before you were too tired to run but Alex wasn't tired at all as he trotting towards you like a young child you were yelling "Pause, Pause!" a small smile laced his face and a small chuckle left his mouth as he wrapped you up in a hug, kissing your cheek. Holding you at arms reach a smug look covered his face, "Looks like I win, get your water then come back to bed."

   You chugged a glass of water and poured yourself another one before heading back to the bedroom. Alex had turned on a TV show that you had designated to the "background noise show" you two were cuddled up looking at your phones. You went ahead and posted the video on insta with one of those question stickers wanting to answer some of the dear peoples questions, with this came all sorts of questions a handful of them were just thank you's though, so for the next hour and a half you answered questions the last you answered was "are you and QuackityHq dating OwO" you replied with: "@quackity.hq are we??!!OwO"  though you knew the answer was yes, you might as well send people over to follow your boyfriend, and also he has more followers who will make probably better edits anyway.

   You shut off your phone and pulled yourself closer to Alex. You closed your eyes you wanted to tell him you loved him but now didn't seem right, y'know? Though it was a stupid reason, you didn't dare say it.

  Alex was humming a simple piano tune you swore you had heard before. It took a handful of minutes to recognize it, "a-Tisket a-tasket." Knowing the tune you hummed along with him. Though already close you somehow found a way to pull yourself closer to him. You turned on your phone checking the notifications reading: "Instagram: @quackity.hq mentioned you in their story..."  You smiled unlocking your phone and checking what he said "O.M.G!! QUEEN I SHIP SKSKSKSKSk, WAit.. are w3 dating?!?!" in a separate WAY smaller text bubble it read "In all seriousness yes me and y/n are dating make all the edits you want."

  You clicked off your phone and placed it down on the bed. Pulling away from Alexis's body to look at his face you smiled caressing his face, he began to share your smile, and whispered "I love you, y/n" just loud enough for you to hear it.

  It definitely caught you by surprise you pulled your hand away not in malice, but just surprise, pure surprise. Alex face went red but before he could take it back you whispered, "I do too, haha I Love you too."

  Just saying that made you feel so much better, you couldn't wait to say that a million times over the next couple of years, the humming was fun too. Childish little tunes like that brought a happy feeling to your heart not one like love but more over innocence or just nostalgia. You had fell Asleep to alex's humming it wasn't rare for him to hum to you, it helped you sleep or just calm down, once even he hummed to you while you two were studying for finals so you didn't, literally combust. It always worked maybe even just for the handful of minutes too follow but no matter what Alex's stupid little lullabies were a calming remedy of no other.


hello all, It's me, O. How's it going I hope you are enjoying these chapters I know, I probably wont be posting like this too much but I'm REALLY proud of myself for the amount I 've been posting. All of you have been a great help so I do thank everyone who vote on my stories, not every time but I do enjoy just seeing comments, Keep up with the recommendations too! It'll help keep up frequent posts It'd be a great with specifics too so I can create one that is made just for the fans. I'm also working on a Wildspartanz chapter soon because someone recommended it but I need some inspo so it doesn't come out awful. Working hard but it makes me so happy to do so. Love you all have a great day <3


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