awkward (WillNE)

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3rd person PoV

    You were finally in a new country the United Kingdom, it was weird moving here without any prior visitation or info. You had met Stephen, while you were in California for a con, a couple other times, and the best one when his tour came close you went to give him a suprise, that didn't go well. You were searching frantically to see him, everything is so unfamiliar just seeing him would be a saving grace. as you headed for a small shop to seek for a break from people traffic you were basically tackled. 'god please please, PLEASE, be Stephen!'

    "Hi, (y/n)!" you heard him laugh your name. It brought a sudden sense of relief.
    "Oh my god Stephen, hi!" you turned around to hug him you eyes still closed from basically praying, when you opened them you were taken a back to see you were hugging-- not Stephen, "eep!" you stumbled backwards. Stephan began to laugh at your reaction or your mistake you couldn't tell, and so did the guy you just hugged.
     "(y/n), Thats Will he is basically my bestfriend," he was trying hard to be nonchalant but couldn't.
      Will began to talk stifling a laugh, "Hello there, you okay, you're a little red," he snickered.
     "lets just go to the car, or whatever is getting me home!" you covered your face for a second.
     They both nodded and began to walk to the taxi lot they were talking about something that was based around you but you couldn't bother to listen until Stephen nudged you, "huh, what?" you asked they both giggled before repeating what they had said,
      "(y/n), you're going to have to stay at Will's place for a bit, one or two weeks, my place is getting totally redone, is that... okay?"
      "oh yeah, because I'll still be chilling with my best friend, right?" you raised an eyebrow, as Stephen started to act off, and Will laughed under his breath. He keeps acting way to smug, I mean his voice doesn't help but counteract that. you stared blankly at Stephen, "NO! you are NOT leaving me with smug mcgee, where are YOU going to be staying anyway?!" I whisper shouted at him to keep eyes off of us.
       You heard a stiffled laugh from Will again but before he could say anything Stephen started "(y/n), I'm going to be staying at a hotel I would've double booked if I remembered you were coming this week... whoops"  Will began laughing so hard he basically collapsed on himself, "I mean I didn't forget you were coming this week," you sighed
       "it's fine, it's okay if you forgot Stephen, I just have one more question, why am I not getting the hotel room?" you added quite a bit of emphasis to the end.
        Stephen shrugged and said "because it's best if you know more people, and who better than Will, plus I'll be there like every other day if you want me too,"
         you nodded sighing muttering an 'okay' but Will apparently wasn't over the conversation when had just gone through, "Smug mcgee, really?"
         "Yes, you are acting like your all that, just saying," he mimicked my voice trying to mock me, but you just scowled and acted like you were going to spit on him and that got him to back up, eliminating both the awkward closeness of his face to mine, and our competition for dominance over basically nothing, you laughed triumphantly before Stephen ruined your victory by telling them that he had finally got us a cab.
         As soon as we got in Stephen started to talk " So.. it would be nice if I wasn't being treated as a third wheel by my two best friends," he paused as he was met with both me and Will's glares but carried on before we could say anything to object, "Also (y/n) Will's roommate is probably gone to her boyfriends house for a while, she does that a lot, so you and Smug mcgee will be alone when I leave."
         you simply nodded only for the cab driver to interject, "bud if you don't want your best friends treating you like a third wheel stop trying to get them to date," that caused a good laugh as it was clearly a joke.
         The ride wasn't too interesting or long Stephen asked you if you were really okay with the arrangements, but just after the walk Will didn't seem to awful to be around so you said, "No, not really but I will live Stephen," which earned a laugh from him he simply said he was glad that you could put up with it because he didn't want to fall asleep around Will, "that doesn't make me feel any better about sleeping at his flat."
        "Oh don't worry I don't figure he will write on your chest," Stephen smiled
        "haha don't be so sure," Will said winking at you. You and Stephen both cringed at him.
        "Yeah I volunteer (y/n) as a sacrifice then" Stephen basically shouted promting Will to smirk suggestivly causeing you to roll your eyes.
         "Oh stop it, you guys aren't being funny," you pouted, "Will you try and touch me I'll stab you, and Stephen your a bad fake older brother."

       Will giggled but the conversation died down. After that you had arrived the brief silence wasn't broken until we enter Will's flat, and suddenly he and Stephen both shouted "Gee, you here!!" with no response Stephen said "see? she isn't here and It's past ten and thats when she says it's to dangerous to leave, but it's usually just an excuse to stay with Josh," Will elbowed him lightly, shaking his head. Stephen walked in to use the bathroom . Before you could attempt grabbing my bags Will picked them up and put them against the wall. You scowled hestitant to walk in you scanned the front room then walked in.

     "Will, do you have any food, I'm starving?" you asked basically whining.
     "you have eyes, and arms look for yourself" Will rolled his eyes but you weren't going to just look, that would make him win.
     "ugh, noooo, pleeeasee, tell me if you have food at least, then I'll get up"
     Stephen walked out of the bathroom shaking the remaining water off his hands "Oh my lord, will you two stop word humping eachother."
     "HAAAH wHAt?" you were dying laughing to the point where your laughs became silent and you were just gasping.
     Will just looked at Stephen confused "what the fuck do you mean by word humping," he snorted laughing, "We aren't like having phone sex!"
     Stephen began giggling "did I ever say that, Will, no you'e just incriminating youself more."
     Will's face reddened a bit as he scrunched up his face "thats not how it works you idiot."
     between laughs, you muttered "Will you're just just going to make it worse!"
     This went on until the words being exchanged weren't words but basically laughing and gasping that somehow were being processed as words. The human brain is a mystery.

___-- time skip --___

   Stephen had just left the apartment. You and Will were chasing eachother around the flat because he had taken an unflattering picture of you and was threatening to post it onto twitter. You glared at him a sat down on the corner of his bed pouting, "Please don't post it," you whined trying your best to give a sweet look. But knowing you it probably looked ridiculous. He turned off his phone walking towards you. He was trying to stifle a laugh. You began to feel anxious or just sick it was a sudden feeling. Your face felt warm as if you were one inch from a fire.

== sorry aces and children==

   Will had a smirk on his face much like the one he had in the taxi on the ride. He leaned in close to your ear "you okay, you look a little red?" his laugh was quiet.
   You slapped his arm "oh stop being such a tease!"
  "you need to clearly show interest to be a tease, (y/n)" his voice was sly laced with laughter you listen to this forever.
   you rolled your eyes pushing him away lightly closing your eyes turning your head a bit, but Will had a differnt idea.
  his hand was gently placed under you chin pointing your face towards his crashing his lips onto yours. The kiss had lasted for a hot second before Will pulled away.
   "See now I'm being a tease," Will said nonchalantly walking out of the room before you heard him burst out laughing, meanwhile you were left wide-eyed on his bed.
    by the time you had walked out you had a mission: if Will was going to be a tease then you were too.
    Will was searching the fridge for food, obviously, so you came up behind him unable to reach his ear you just said, "what ya doing?" startling him. He turned aroung the fridge door closing behind him. You took a step causing him to back up into the door of the fridge. You smirk up at him, placing an arm on his shoulder, going onto your tippy toes you began to kiss his neck. evey now and then biting at his skin a tiny bit. When his beathing became choppy and hitched you pulled away, "Am I being a tease now?" you said mock innocently. you giggled and rushed away laughing hysterically.

    Will's face wen't redder than it was before "Yeah you sure are but not for long!"
   "that's quite inciminating mister WillNE!" you shouted running around the apartment.


hey I hope you liked this chapter worked pretty hard on it and yeah it's new but I've just been getting into WillNE and yes I am aware that he is in a relationship, but I'm putting the fiction in fanfiction! love you guys posting this at 3:30am my time so... yep I don't care about my sleep schedule!!

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