best friends (Kwite x reader)

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Your  Pov

I sat on his bed pulling blankets on top of me we had just got to his house and in the dead of winter, I was glad to get inside. I waited for Kwite and soon enough he did with snacks and basically went through the getting home process without me.

  "ooo so what joke did your mom make this time, I mean we haven't even told anyone not even our youtuber friends I mean I made Hyojin swear after I told her what had happened and she is a good girl and won't be a little bitch." I laughed snuggling into the blankets more " not like we need the official title though."

  Kwite shrugged " I think if it doesn't mean that much we should be fine telling everyone close to us, so I would say you're nervous." he teased. 

  I rolled my eyes "you make it sound like we have been doing stuff and shit." 

  he scoffed " we have y/n."

  "Oh, my lord five seconds because of truth or dare does not count you incel." 

  " I wasn't even talking about that I was talking about the Halloween party when you-"

  "NOPE, WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT!" you screamed causing kwite to laugh and comply.

  "Are we going to tell anyone or not?"

  I stared blankly at him mumbling "do whatever you want, I'm too tired and cold to care right now." you reached for a pillow at the top of the bed and pulled it to be under your head and faded off to sleep awfully quickly.

waking up to the sound of your phone vibrating you saw that you had a million texts on mobile discord. Confused you looked through them reading a couple your face went red.

  "Kwite what the fuck!?" 

_______________________ be continued....
Hey sorry for being so bad at updating this story I hope you guys truly don't mind it. My computer hasn't been working to well and I don't like typing up these stories on phone. So thanks for understanding

Bye, bye - O

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