Chapter 4

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Y/N walked across the Brooklyn bridge, the sun rising in the distance. Y/N mind was on only two things, the strike and proving to Spot that she could protect herself. Y/N had her mind on those two things for quite sometime, until she stepped foot in Manhattan. The moment Y/N reached Manhattan a new feeling swept over her. Y/N couldn't quite pinpoint what it was until it suddenly hit her.
Never in her life had the feeling of being alone hit Y/N so strong. Tears started to form in
Y/N's   e/c. Y/N violently wiped them away. You're not crying over something as stupid as this. Y/N told herself.
Y/N took a moment to just breathe and remind herself that this is what she needed to do, even if Spot or any of her other friends weren't  by her side.
Y/N wandered around Manhattan for awhile until she stumbled across the Loading centre. Y/N took a deep breath before entering. The feeling of entering the centre brought back memories to when she became a newsies.
Y/N could feel the stares, but this time they didn't feel like the people around her were staring judgmental. It felt as though they were just curious.
"Who are you?" A masculine voice asked.
Y/N lifted her head, it was one of the boys who approached Brooklyn days before. "Da names Y/N, a Brooklyn newsies." Y/N answered.
Everyone in the room tensed up a bit.
"Did ya come here ta tell us Brooklyn has joined da strike?" One of the boys asked with anticipation.
Y/N frowned and shook her head. "I'm da only one."
The sound of sighs filled the room. "I tried ta convince Spot, but he wants ta stay out of it." Y/N added.
"Well at least we has a Brooklyn newsies." The boy in front of Y/N said trying to stay optimistic.
"The names Jack Kelly." Jack added holding his hand out.
Y/N shook Jack's hand.
"Glad ta have ya on board."
Jack smiled.

A/N Sorry this chapter is so short, I just wanted to get something out before I leave. It's exciting to go to the Mountains, but it's quite hazy right now cause of forest fires in British Columbia.
I'll show you what the haze looks like here in Manitoba
(It's not my picture)

I'll show you what the haze looks like here in Manitoba (It's not my picture)

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Where I am, the sky is freaking yellow!
Like the song Hurricane from Hamilton. Aside from the fact it's physical impossible for there to be a Hurricane here.
Anyways I'm getting of track.
Thanks for reading
Have fun in school you Americans
The Author

Queen Of Brooklyn (Spot x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now