Chapter 5

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"You ok" someone asked.
Y/N jumped a little. She looked over to be met with one of the newsies, Davey to be exact.
"Yeah I'm fine. Why ya asking?" Y/N responded.
"You just seem a bit uncomfortable is all." Davey answered.
"Jus a little homesick is all." Y/N admitted.
"So what's it like being around someone as intimidating as Spot?" Davey asked trying to change the subject.
"Not as bad as you'd expect. He can be overbearing and overprotective at times but in general he's a real sweet guy when ya get ta know him. Ya know da whole reason Spot isn't letting Brooklyn join da strike is because he's worried someone might get hurt." Y/N explained.
"Sounds like you care about Spot an awful lot." Davey said.
"As a friend? For sure, but I don't view him any way!"
"I believe you." Davey said sincerely.
"Alright Newsies! Let's head out! Cause today we's are gonna stop da wagons!" Jack yelled.
"Let's get to it." Davey said to Y/N.
"Newsies, Get 'em!" Jack yelled.
All at once the Newsies of Manhattan and singular newsie of Brooklyn ran at Weasel, the Delancey brothers and the rest of their "henchmen." Everything That was happening was hazy. Fists we're flying, kicks hitting things and people were flying. Y/N was confused as to who she hit and this confusion let to her accidentally hitting a pole. Pain rushed through Y/N's wrist. Y/N then felt someone grab her by the collar of her shirt and punch her in the eye. She was then thrown against the ground causing a sharp pain to circulate through her shoulder. "We need to get out of here!" Davey yelled pulling Y/N up from the ground.
Just like that the lot of newsies ran with one being dragged away.
"Well wasn't yestaday pleasant." Racetrack groaned.
The whole lot of newsies met up at Tibby's the day after the fight, aside from Jack and Crutchie. "Could have been worse." Albert said trying to reason with everyone.
"Ya think Spot will kill us for ya injuries?" Racetrack asked.
"No, he wouldn't do dat." Y/N slightly chuckled.
"I gotta return ta Brooklyn." Y/N said starting to walk away.
"Hold on! Why?" Davey shouted.
"Yeah, ya ditching us. Is it cause ya now got a little scratch on ya?" Racetrack asked mockingly.
"No! Well yes." Y/N defended.
Everyone went silent with confusion. "Care to explain?" Davey asked.
"Well ya see. Spot is defensive, he cares an awful lot bout his Brooklyn newsies. If he ever found out one of them got even merely a scratch he'd kill whoever gave it ta them. So da hope is once Spot sees my injuries he'll be willing ta join da strike. I swear I'm not ditching ya, but I promise. Da next time ya see me, it won't jus be me. It'll be all of Brooklyn!"
Y/N explained running off.
Y/N ran for awhile until she reached her home, the Brooklyn Loading centre. Surprisingly enough no one was there aside from Trever. "Trever?"
"Hey! How's it going?" Trever greeted.
Y/N looked around. "Where is everyone?"
"Headed off ta Manhattan." Trever answered.
"Yeah, While Spot was selling papes there happened to be two news articles that caught his attention. The one about your strike and one bout ya union getting beat up." Trever explained.
That got into the paper?
"Anyways, Spot was obviously upset bout da second article and decided it best ta join da strike ta set things right." Trever added.
"So what are you doing here?" Y/N asked.
"Spot figured you'd come back here so he told me ta tell you what was going on." Trever replied.
"Well then, I guess I'd better head back ta Manhattan." Y/N smiled.
"Hey! Ya know Spot cares bout you an awful lot." Trever said.
"Pftt, sure. Whatever ya say." Y/N laughed running off.

A/N I'm tired so I don't really know what I'm writing, so sorry it sucks.
But thanks for reading anyways
The Author

Queen Of Brooklyn (Spot x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now