I'll Make You Fall For Me

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"Who were you talking to?" Gerard asked, completely startling Frank who hadn't yet sensed his presence. Frank turned around and was greeted by Gerard's concerned eyes, that almost seemed to be growing bigger by the second.

"No one," Frank replied quickly with an innocent smile spreading across his face. "Just an old friend of mine was wanting to hang out, but it's no problem. I told him I was busy, and he didn't suspect a thing".

"But I could've sworn I heard you say "Mikey"," Gerard took a few steps closer to Frank, causing him to back up against the wall. "You wouldn't lie about talking to my brother, would you?"

Frank nervously bit at his lip as Gerard stared him down, desperately looking for answers.

Frank considered his options for a moment. Of course, he didn't want to upset Gerard in any way. He loved him too much. But if Frank were to tell him how he truly was talking to Mikey, not to mention how he was lying to him, he was sure that Gerard wouldn't be too happy with him.

"Gerard, you know if Mikey called I'd let you know," Frank assured him.

"Yeah... I know," Gerard smiled sadly, backing away from Frank. A part of him sensed that Frank was lying, but either way, at least there was a possibility that Mikey was concerned about his absence. "I bet he's worried about me being gone right now," he added.  

Frank put a comforting arm around Gerard, "I doubt that. He knows you can take care of yourself. He probably thinks you're having fun in Europe right now, just like you said you would be".

Gerard silently agreed and Frank hugged him. With Frank leaning into his chest, Gerard stroked his hair, making him smile even bigger.

Still holding onto Gerard tightly, Frank looked up excitedly, "Do you want to go outside now?"

Gerard's face lit up and nodded, trying to hide his growing smirk. Then, Frank quickly let go of him and ran off to another room. Gerard's mind began racing. Once again, he reached into his pocket, wrapping his figures around the handle of the knife that surly was his best chance at escaping.

When Frank returned, he was giggling like mad. It was almost scary. It made Gerard almost change his mind about allowing Frank to temporarily blind him.

"What's so funny?" Gerard asked, quietly.

"I get to blindfold you," Frank answered, "What's not to love about that?"

Gerard didn't fully understand what Frank was on about, but decided it was best not to question anything, fearing he might ruin his chance at hopefully being able to escape.

"Okay, now just lean down a bit, so I can put it on you right," Frank requested. Gerard obeyed, running through his plan of escape in his head once again. With any luck, Gerard would get to sleep in his own bed that night without having to worry about Frank watching creepily from the shadows.

Once the blindfold was tied on securely, Frank added, "Alright, I'm going to have to tie your hands behind your back too, so if you could just turn around-"

"Wait, you didn't mention anything about that earlier," Gerard protested.

"Well, I can't have you throwing punches at me or anything".

"Don't you trust me?" Gerard asked, trying to sound as sweet and innocent as he possibly could. He even threw in a cute little smile in hopes that he could convince Frank to leave his hands untied. If they were tied together, there was no way he'd be able to escape.

"Maybe once we get outside, I'll untie you, but for now, there are no excuses".

Gerard tried to avoid looking disappointed, so he simply turned around and allowed for Frank to uncomfortably tie his hands together behind his back. He wasn't about to give up hope though, because if things went well, he'd still have a chance.


For Gerard, finally getting to feel the cool, outdoor breeze against his skin again felt absolutely amazing. It was far superior to the uncomfortable feeling of air conditioning and the smell of the abandoned house walls rotting away around him. The crisp fall air surrounded him, raising his spirits by taking his mind back to when he was preparing to leave for his new art school. 

He was determined to get out of this mess, and there was no way Frank would be able to stop him.

With Frank holding his arms from behind, Gerard let him guide him blindly out of what he assumed to be the back door to the house and into the grassy, open backyard.

After a bit of walking, Frank slightly loosened his grip, but Gerard resisted the urge to struggle free and take off running. He knew he had to be patient if he wanted this to go well.

Eventually, Frank stopped walking, resulting in Gerard doing the same. There was a peaceful silence while Gerard waited for Frank to say something.

"If only you could see the stars," Frank sighed, "They're almost as beautiful as you, but not quite".

Looking in Frank's general direction, Gerard replied, "You know, I've already seen what the backyard looks like through the windows, so maybe I could just take a peek at the sky?"

"I don't think that's a good idea," Frank said, "But I can untie your hands now if you'd like".

Gerard agreed and Frank gently untied the rope that was starting to dig into his wrists. Once free, he shook his hands a bit, but Frank instantly grabbed ahold of his arm once he was done. Although neither of them spoke, Gerard knew that Frank desperately wanted to prevent him from running off. He knew Frank couldn't possible go on without him. Gerard meant everything to him.

After a period of blissful silence that Gerard spent imagining himself running free through the woods that stood only a couple of yards away, he felt Frank pull him close to hug him again. Gerard hugged back, even though he was a bit annoyed about getting interrupted from his happy thoughts. 

Suddenly, Gerard felt Frank's warm breath travel up his neck making him assume that Frank was trying to stand up taller. Gerard could sense that Frank's face was now only inches away from his. 

"I love you," Frank whispered softly, keeping one hand around Gerard's waist, and putting the other on his neck. 

Without much thought, Gerard whispered it back, more focused on trying to figure out why he wasn't feeling uncomfortable about all of this. Normally, he would've attempted to push away- at least a bit, but he couldn't resist Frank's touch at that moment. He hated to admit it, but somehow, he was actually enjoying it. 

With Frank's hand moving to the back of his head, Gerard felt himself gently being pulled downwards. At first, he almost didn't feel Frank's soft lips press against his, but as soon as he did, he found himself kissing back without any hesitation. 

But then, the realization hit Gerard; this was the perfect opportunity to easily break free. With Frank still occupied with kissing him, he reached into his pocket and tightly grabbed the knife's handle. As he began to pull it out of his pocket, Frank started to break the kiss, but Gerard roughly pulled him back in, receiving an approving moan out of him.

Carefully, Gerard worked the knife around Frank until he had it situated behind his back, pointing towards him. All it would take was one strong strike to have it painfully lodged in his back. Surly, this would allow for at least a head start towards the woods.

However, when Gerard drew back the knife and tried to swing it forward with all his might, it seemed to be stuck in place. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stab Frank with it. Frank wasn't the one preventing it either, for he had moved past Gerard's lips and was now busy passionately kissing his neck. 

Gerard tried once more to swing the knife into Frank's back, but he simply couldn't do it. Instead, he dropped one of his only chances at escaping into the overgrown grass below. 

As Frank continued kissing down Gerard's neck, Gerard realized how happy he was that he still had the blindfold on, because that way Frank couldn't see the tears welling up in his eyes. He realized that he couldn't stab Frank and risk killing him, because truthfully, whether he liked it or not, he loved him too much. 

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