Film night

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Patton had a wide smile on his face and was barely able to contain his excitement. He and Virgil were going to have a film night that night in his room and he could hardly wait. He had already popped the popcorn, cooked some delicious, chocolate chip cookies and had bowls of other delectable movie snacks ready. Now all he had to do was wait patiently, which was a lot more difficult than he had anticipated.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, he heard a knock on his door. Unable to stop himself, he ran towards the door and swung it open to reveal Virgil wearing his black cat onzie, which matched Patton's grey cat onzie, smiling awkwardly.

"Hey Virge!" Patton smiled, throwing his arms around Virgil's waist before kissing him on the forehead.

"Um...hey Pat"

"So, are you excited for film night?" Patton asked, removing his arms, and Virgil shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess so. I think what I'm more excited about is spending time with you"

"Awwwww you're so cute Virgey" Patton couldn't resist kissing Virgil's cheek once more, bringing a light, crimson blush to Virgil's cheek. "Right, would you like to come in then?" Patton asked.

"Yeah" Virgil replied so Patton immediately moved out of the way, holding the door open and gesturing for Virgil to go inside. Once inside, he sat on the edge of the bed as Patton gently shut the door and turned to face him. "So, what are we watching?" Virgil asked.

"I don't know yet. I was gonna let you decide" Patton shrugged.

"Are you sure?" Virgil asked.

"Of course!" Patton giggled. "You're my best friend and boyfriend. Obviously I'm gonna let you pick the film. Here. Have a look at what's on" He handed the TV remote to Virgil and as Virgil flicked through the thousands of films, Patton dove underneath the covers before showing his face again, making himself comfortable. Once Virgil had finally chosen, he joined Patton underneath the covers as the two snuggled up to each other, the snacks lying on the bedside table.

"I picked a horror film cause they're my favourites. Hope you don't mind" Virgil told Patton. Patton flinched a bit at the word horror as he was absolutely terrified of horror films but he decided not to say anything about it. He wanted Virgil to be happy, even if that meant that he wasn't.

"...I don't mind" Patton replied timidly.

Time skip

They were only 10 minutes into the film and Patton had already dived underneath the covers, shielding his eyes from the screen. He was absolutely petrified of the movie and all the gore and jump scares. He really didn't want Virgil to know he was scared because he seemed to be enjoying himself and Patton didn't want Virgil to think that he was a wimp or a scaredy cat. But Virgil's eyes were glued to the screen so he didn't notice Patton vanishing underneath the duvet anyway. It wasn't until Patton started whimpering that Virgil started to frown, realising what was happening. Grabbing the remote, he paused the film and lifted up the duvet covers to reveal a terrified Patton cowering in a ball.

"What's wrong Pat?" Virgil asked, causing Patton to jump.

"Virgey, you scared me there" He giggled, attempting to cover up his fears but it wasn't working.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to. Anyways, why are you hiding under the covers?"

"" Patton desperately tried to make up an excuse but Virgil's frown only grew. He knew exactly what had happened.

"You were scared, weren't you?" He asked and Patton nodded. Virgil held out his hand and as Patton took it, he pulled him out from under the covers and turned off the film completely. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you seemed to be enjoying the film so much and I didn't want to take that away from you. Besides, I didn't want you to think that I was a wimp or a scaredy cat" Patton explained and Virgil's frown now reached the bottom of his chin.

"Oh Patton, I could never think of you as a wimp and if I knew that you were scared, I would have turned it off anyway"


"Of course. I don't care about what film we watch as long as we watch it together. Now come here" Virgil held his arms wide open and Patton buried his head in Virgil's chest as he felt two big, soft, cosy arms being wrapped around him and felt a small peck on his cheek, melting away all his previous fears.

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