Friends from the beginning

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Hey guys. So some things to note before we get into this. First of all, this one shot features platonic moxiety instead of romantic but only because they are toddlers and I couldn't exactly make it romantic. Also, all the sides are toddlers in this because this is going to take place when Thomas was a toddler. However, Patton and Virgil will still be referred to as Patton and Virgil even though technically no one would know Virgil's name yet (just don't think about the concept too much or you might get very confused). Also, some of the words in speech are spelt incorrectly but that is to make them sound like toddlers. Finally, although there is no actual angst, this does feature a crying toddler Virgil. Anyways, enjoy 💖

All the sides were all in Thomas's living room just having fun. Logan was concentrating on solving some fairly easy puzzles, although he was already on his 10th puzzle within 15 minutes. Roman was swinging around his plastic sword, running around the living room and pretending to be a brave prince. Thomas was playing with him, pretending to be the villian that Roman was fighting. Deceit was playing dress up and trying to be a master of disguise. Patton was drinking a bottle of milk and sucking on a chocolate chip cookie. And finally, Virgil was lying on the sofa underneath his purple blanket, or his blankie as he liked to call it, hugging onto his black cat teddie tightly.

"Come here you bad guy" Roman yelled from behind the sofa, pointing his sword towards Thomas, the two of them giggling. Suddenly Virgil's eyes shot open, the sudden noise waking him up. His heart began to beat faster as the sudden noise frightened the life out of him since he was only 2 years old. Petrified, he began to burst into tears. All the others just ignored him, well all the others except Patton.

Virgil and Patton were best friends and Patton hated to see his friends crying. Patton grabbed a nearby dummy (or pacifier as you may call it) and waddled over to the sofa were Virgil sat. Pulling himself onto the sofa, he held out the dummy for Virgil. As Virgil looked up, he stopped crying and, sniffling, took the dummy and shoved it in his mouth.

"Awe you okay?" Patton asked and Virgil nodded slightly, sucking onto the dummy and fiddling with his blanket. "Hug?"

As Virgil nodded, Patton gently wrapped his arms around Virgil and Virgil's sniffling soon stopped as he wrapped his arms around Patton.

"Fank you" Virgil smiled slightly, the dummy falling out of his mouth.

"Dat's okay" Patton smiled. "Cookie?" he held out his saliva covered cookie, offering it to Virgil. Virgil shook his head.

"No fank you" Virgil gently pushed it away. "I'm okay"

"Do you want to pway with me?" Patton asked Virgil.

"Yes pwease" Virgil's smile widened and his tears dried up almost completely. Holding eachother's hands, the two toddlers jumped off of the sofa, waddled over to the toy box and rummaged through it until they found some building blocks and began to build a tower together. Once it was built, the two looked at eachother, as if silently communicating.

"Want to push it ower?" Patton asked and Virgil nodded. "Okway. Fwee! Two! One!" The two held out their hands and pushed over the tower giggling.

"Patton, you're my best fwiend" Virgil hugged Patton.

"And you're mine. Let's be fwiends fowever"

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