I'll always love you (I still love him part 4)

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Hey guys. So here we are yet again for part 4 of "I still love him". Thank you to Dani_Spacito for suggesting this. Okay so I know I said this last time but this will probably be the last part of "I still love him" unless anyone has any specific requests for where to take it because I literally have no more ideas of where to take this. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy.

TW: Abuse relationship (both emotionally and physically), violence, blood, angst

Deceit sat on the edge of his bed, head burried in his hands, as he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. If he hadn't have interfered then maybe, just maybe, Patton would be okay now. Maybe none of this would have happened. He was so convinced at the time that it was the right thing to do that he was blind to all the possible consequences and outcomes. Thoughts and ideas of things he could do to help began to run through his head. Surely there was someway he could rescue Patton and set him free. Suddenly, an idea struck him in the head. He immediately jumped off of his bed and ran towards Roman's room, frantically knocking on the door as soon as he got there.

"Greetings! How may I help...oh it's you" Roman's smile immediately dropped as soon as he opened the door to see Deceit standing there and he crossed his arms. "What do you want?"

"Nice to see you too" Deceit mumbled sarcastically. "I need to borrow your sword"

"Ha! Fat chance!" Roman scoffed. "Why would I trust a dark side with my sword? What do you need it for anyway?"

"I...um..." Deceit had to quickly make up an excuse on the spot because he didn't want anyone else to find out about what Virgil was doing to Patton otherwise if his plan failed, things would end up being a hundred times worse for Patton. "I saw a spider and wanted to kill it" He lied. Making up an excuse was fairly easy for the lying trait as lying was his speciality. In reality, he wanted to save Patton by threatening to murder Virgil if he hurt him again.

"Well if that's the case, allow me to slay the beast. I never get much chance to slay any beasts around here" He drew his sword out from his side and stepped out of his room but Deceit quickly blocked his way.

"No no that's okay. I think it's best if I do it"

"And why's that?" Roman asked sceptically, raising an eyebrow. "I am a prince afterall"

"Yeah but it's a massive spider, a tarantula in fact and it's highly poisonous. I wanted to conjure up a fake one for a prank but conjured that one up instead by accident. I wouldn't want it to bite anyone if it was my fault in the first place" Deceit created an elaborate story as an excuse but the real reason was that he didn't want the others to see Patton hurt or crying or to find out what was really happening as he knew that Patton wouldn't want them to know.

"Ooookaaaay" Extremly confused, Roman still handed Deceit his sword. "Just be careful with it okay? Try not to kill anyone, except the spider of course. I know what you're like. And bring it straight back"

"Don't worry. I will. Thanks Roman"

"Of course. Bye" As soon as Roman's door was shut, Deceit ran off towards Virgil's room to fight the real beast.

Time skip

Deceit stood outside Virgil's room. He had to force himself to hold in his tears as he heard Patton's yelps and whimpers and Virgil's yells. But he had to stay strong. He had to put on a tough façade. Taking in a deep breath, he yanked the door handle but it wouldn't budge. No matter how hard he pulled it refused to move. Having no other choice, he pulled the sword out and began striking the door down.


From the inside, Virgil noticed the sword poking in and out of the door. Harshly grabbing Patton's arm, he yelled "HIDE!" in his face. At first, Patton couldn't move. He felt too weak. His lip was swollen and bleeding. He could barely keep his now black eye open. Blood dripped from his nose and trickled down his face. His body was now littered in cuts and bruises. All strength had been drained from his body. "NOW!" Virgil yelled as he threw Patton across the room as Patton scurried behind the bed as it was the closest hiding place.

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