Heartbreak (Am I not good enough for you part 2)

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Hey guys. So I know I promised that the next chapter would be fluffy but myMoralAnxiety suggested this and I just had to write it. I swear the next one will have some fluff in it. grayscale_07 also helped by suggesting to have Patton meet one of the other sides, which will happen but maybe not in the way you may have suspected. I'm sorry for the long wait but since these one shots are usually fairly long, it takes a while for me to write them and I've been struggling to find the time to. But here we are, finally. I just want to quickly point out something that I find kinda funny. So the first paragraph was actually written during an English lesson but just edited. So I basically wrote fan fiction in my English book. Whoops. It wouldn't be the first time I've written fan fiction in English though. Also, I know that the last part was in present tense and this one is in past tense but just deal with it. Anyways, let's get onto the story. Enjoy

TW: Angst, kidnapping

Patton's POV

I bolted out of the house and into the pouring rain outside, the door slamming behind me. How could he? How could he do this to me? I truly believed he loved me. Was I the fool? Who could ever love someone like me? The ring that once latched onto my finger meant nothing now and lay in his hand. I desperately wanted to run away, to escape the one who betrayed my love, but there was no where to run to. Instead, I just slumped against the side of the house as I slid down the wall, pulling my knees to my chest and burying my head, allowing my endless waterfall of tears to soak clothes. The rain ran down my back, soaking my clothes even more but I didn't care. Listening to the raindrops patter onto the ground, I remembered the times we used to stroll down the street together as the rain soaked our skin. He would always wrap his cosy purple jacket around my shoulders, not caring if the rain soaked him more than me. As long as I was okay, that was all that mattered to him. All he cared about. But he doesn't care about me anymore; all he cares about is him.

As these thoughts ran through my mind, all I could hear was the shattering of my heart, which drowned out the pattering of the rain. A deep pain grew in my chest and it was as if my heart was slowly fading into nothingness. Virgil's love was the glue which held my heart together but now that his love had faded from my life, my heart was weak and could no longer hold itself together. I could barely hold myself together. His love was the one thing hat kept me happy and now that it had gone, I didn't know if I'd ever be happy again.

Suddenly, I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the sound of a car horn beebing viciously. Curiously, I slowly lifted my head to see a white van that had pulled up next to the pavement. Oh no. This couldn't be good. As the window was slowly rolled down, I pulled myself to my feet, ready to run. I knew that white vans were never good news so I had to get out of there. I wanted desperately to run back inside to the comfort of my home but then I remembered that he was in there and I couldn't possibly bare to see him again, not after what had just happened.

As possibilities of places to run began to rotate in my head, I was pulled away from my thoughts as one of the men leaned out of the window and began to call out to me. His clothes were surprisingly smart, a blue striped tie and a black polo shirt, and black framed glasses similar to mine sat on his face. Next to him sat another man who looked a lot scruffier, wearing a plain, white torn t shirt and a blood red jacket.

"Greetings and Salutations" The smartly dressed man called out to me as he opened the van door and stepped closer towards me. I desperately wanted to run but it was as if my feet were glued to the ground, preventing me from running anywhere. "What is a man like you doing outside in the rain at such an early hour in the morning, in your pyjamas none the less?" He asked. I glanced down and noticed that I was still was still wearing my grey cat onesie, my phone buried in one of the pockets. Nervously giggling, I slowly backed away from him but my back hit the wall, making it impossible for me to move anywhere. "I asked you a question" He spoke through gritted teeth as I desperately tried to come up with an excuse. I couldn't tell him the truth; the truth hurt to much.

"I...um...I was going to my friends house and got lost" I lied. Nice one Patton. That's believable isn't it? 

"Well why don't I give you a lift to your friend's house. After all, we don't want you to get wet in the rain now do we?"

"No it's okay. Thank you for the offer though" I gave him a fake smile. Usually, I saw the best in people but I knew that this man was bad news straight away. I was taught even as a child never to trust a man in a white van.

"No no I insist" The man gritted his teeth again, plastering a smile onto his face.

"Honestly, it's fine" This was my chance. I tried to run away from this man and the potential danger that awaited me. But as I did, he forcefully grabbed my arm, causing me to gulp and look up at him, fear brimming in my eyes.

"Get in the van now before I force you to!" He yelled. I had no idea what to do in this situation. Try to make a run for it? Do what he told me to? No. I did neither. Instead, I yelled for help. But not just for anyone's help: for Virgil's help. No matter how much he made my heart ache, I needed someone's help and I knew that he was the only one who could save me now.

"HELP!" I yelled desperately. "VIRIGL! HELP ME! HE-" The man immediately slapped his hand over my mouth, muffling my yells for help. I was done for now. No one to help me. The man dragged me towards the van, sliding the door wide open and throwing me inside before slamming it shut again. Before he shut the door, he joined me inside. Once the door was shut, he grabbed some ropes from under the seat and a gag. Fear in my eyes, he smirked as he tightly wrapped the ropes around my hand and feet, binding them together. He then wrapped the gag tightly around my mouth, making it hard for me to even breath.

"No one can help you now" He darkly grinned before moving to the front, driver's seat. 

"Ready to go Lo?" The man sat on the other seat asked the driver.

"Oh yeah. That money should be ours in no time" The driver smirked before turning off the engine and speeding off. Before we left, I was able to pull myself up and look out of the window just in time to see Virgil open the front door and look around the area for me before giving up and retreating back inside. Tears brimming my eyes, I slumped in my seat as my eyes slowly drifted off.

So, cause of all the extra angst at the beginning, I ended up writing way more than I expected and since this is fairly long already, I thought I should end it where it is. Besides, I don't want to ware myself out by pushing myself to write more. So a part 3 should definitely be coming to finish everything off. When? I don't know yet. Whenever I get a chance basically, which may not be until next weekend. Oh well. I hope y'all enjoyed this. Byeeeee

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