A/N- I need your help

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Hey guys. So whilst part 3 of "Am I not good enough for you" is in the works, I need your help for a future one shot. So I've seen a lot of other people do this and I wanted to try it out myself and it is where they basically write the Sanders Sides into a fairy tale. I really wanted to do my own one shot,or possibly one shots, based on that but make it moxiety but the only problem is, I am an indicicive mess and can't make decisions for myself so I thought it was a good idea to ask you guys for fairy tale ideas. You don't have to say who you think should play who and it doesn't even have to be romantic. I may even add my own spin onto the tale. But please please please leave suggestions of fairy tales I could use and I may even use more than one. However, some of them may be going into my other one shot book (not trying to self promote or anything) if I don't think I can incorporate moxiety into it but I will still give you credit for the idea. Yeah if anyone does suggest a fairy tale, I will credit them. Also, feel free to leave any other one shot suggestions if you have them and I will try my best to make them happen. So yeah. See y'all in the next one shot. Byeeeeeeeee

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