Unrequited Love

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Hey guys. Sorry for the long wait and sorry this isn't a new part of "Am I not good enough for you". I'll try to update that soon. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I'm kinda having a bit of a writer's block at the moment. Anyway, I had this great idea and really wanted to write it. Hope you enjoy it. Also sorry if this seems rushed. I just didn't want to make it too long

TW: Hanahaki disease, blood, death

Patton sat in his room, a bright smile on his face. Today was the day. The day he would finally confess to his crush. Taking a deep breath, he mentally prepared himself. He stood to his feet and confidently walked out of his room, heading to Virgil's room. Knocking on the door, he waited as his legs bounced up and down excitedly. It wasn't long before the door swung open and Virgil stood there with a wide smile on his face. 

"Hey Pat!" Virgil smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm great thanks!" Patton chirped. "How are you?"

"Good" He nodded. "Listen, I have something very important to tell you"

Patton's face lit up. Was this it? The moment he had been waiting for? Was Virgil finally going to confess his love for him? "So do I! You go first though" Patton could barely contain his excitement or wipe the bright smile off his face.

"Alright. Roman and I are dating!" He squealed excitedly. "I've had a crush on him since forever and he finally had the nuts to ask me out. Isn't this great?"

Patton's heart sunk and his face dropped. He had to be happy for his friends, of course he did, but that didn't stop the sinking feeling in his chest. He was too late. Virgil didn't love him after all.

"Pat? Is everything okay?" Virgil asked as he tilted his head, a hint of concern in his voice.

Patton quickly snapped out of his thoughts and put on a fake smile, something which the father figure was very used to doing. "Huh? Oh I'm fine kiddo. Don't worry about little old me" He giggled though his heart wanted to cry. "That's great news though. I'm really happy for you two" That was partly true. He did want everyone to be happy, even if he wasn't. However, part of him yearned for him to be dating Virgil, not Roman. 

"Thanks!" Virgil beamed brightly. "Anyway, what did you have to tell me?" He asked curiously

"Oh it's nothing" Patton gently tugged on the sleeve of his cardigan. "Don't worry about it"

"Are you sure?" Virgil asked, to which Patton replied with a small nod. "Okay. If you say so..." He clearly wasn't entirely convinced but shrugged it off.

"Well I'd best go check on the others" Patton smiled half heartedly. "See you later Virge"

"Bye Pat!" Virgil waved him off as he left before shutting the door.

As soon as he heard the door shut, Patton ran to his room and slammed the door shut, throwing himself onto his bed. Tears streamed down his face like a waterfall. How could he be so stupid to think that a guy like Virgil could ever like a guy like him? The bed sheets quickly became soaked with his tears and soon, something else. His crying distracted him from feeling a tight sensation in his lungs, as if something was blocking them. His sobs soon turned to coughs and he clutched his chest in pain; he couldn't stop. Blood replaced salty tears and soaked the bed as he continued to cough. Flowers began to fall out of his mouth. His sadness was soon replaced with concern and panic. What on earth was happening?

As soon as he stopped, he grabbed his phone and called Logan. Logan was the smartest side. If anyone knew what was going on, it would be him. It wasn't long before Logan picked up. He was very reliable when it came to replying to calls and messages.

"Logan, I need your help!" Patton said immediately, desperation evident in his voice.

"Of course Patton. How may I assist you?" Logan replied in a cool and stoic manner as usual.

"I'm coughing up blood and flowers and I don't think that's normal..." He bit his lip.

Logan went silent for a few moments, which quite rightly worried Patton.

"Logan? Is everything okay?"

"I'll be right there" Logan replied quickly before hanging up the phone. 

Patton sighed and sat down on the edge of his bed, beginning to get a little concerned. If Logan was coming, it must be serious. He never overreacted to anything, well most things. Soon, there was a gentle knock on the door before Logan entered, sitting beside him. His eyes widened as he noticed the blood and flowers on the bed as well as around Patton's lips.

"Do you know what it is Logan?" Patton asked

Logan solemnly nodded. "I believe so. I think you may have Hanahaki disease"

"What's that? Is it bad?" Patton started to panic.

"I'm afraid so" Logan sighed. "It is caused by unrequited love or, more simply put, one sided love. Your lungs swell up with blood and flowers and it is very rare that people with the disease survive unless treated immediately. We must get you to the hospital" He stood to his feet put Patton grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Logan no!" He yelled out. He opened his mouth to say something else before he started coughing again more violently and more viciously. All Logan could do was watch in concern.

"I think it might already be too late..." Logan bit his lip. He was never one to lie or jump to conclusions so if he thought it was too late, it likely was.

Patton gasped for breath and tried to stand to his feet, grasping onto Logan for support and still coughing. He tried as hard as he could to keep standing but soon collapsed to the floor in a coughing fit. He knew he wasn't going to make it. As Logan said, it was too late. But he wasn't going to leave this earth without doing very important something first that he should have done ages ago.

"Get...Virgil" He spluttered out, blood spraying everywhere. Logan nodded and rushed to Virgil's room as Patton continued to lie on the floor coughing blood and flowers. Logan soon returned with Virgil. As soon as he saw the loving father figure, Virgil's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he rushed to his side, gently grabbing his hand.

"Patton! Are you okay? What's happening?" He asked frantically, his eyes welling up with tears. Sure he may not have loved him but he still cared about him deeply.

"Before I go...I want you to know...I love you" Patton said in a weak voice as life quickly drained from his body before Virgil's eyes.

"Shh don't say that. You're going to get through this. You will make it." Virgil tried to reassure both Patton and himself.

Patton shook his head in disagreement and used all the strength he had left to gently stroke Virgil's cheek with his hand. Virgil gently held Patton's hand up to his cheek as he felt it go cold and limp. 

Patton was dead. And it was all his fault...

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