The Perks of Being a Wallflower

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"So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."
― The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

I headed back school because I was exhausted, it was already one and I had class tomorrow. I wanted to see Park first, but I had some things to take care of. Instead of going to my dorm, I headed to Jace's dorm to find that he was in his bedroom, reading a book.

"Hey, how was the party?" I asked him and Jace lowered his book, smiling at me.

"It was good. I noticed you took a bottle of wine." Jace said and I shrugged. I softly sat next to Jace; he was wearing only boxers and was completely shirtless.

"Rina and Park broke up." I said, knowing that Jace would completely understand that I used to help comfort Rina.

"Yeah, I think I heard Park mentioning that, but the music was too loud. How is Rina taking it?" Jace asked and I softly smiled at the concern Jace had for Rina. I knew that he had surplus feelings for her, it was obvious by the way he stared at her. He never stared at me in that way. I think you can tell someone's affection; just by the way they stare at someone. Usually, you have a stare reserved just for the person who like.

"She was sad, crying and kind of a wreck, but I tried to comfort her. Right now, she's comfortably sleeping." I replied and Jace nodded, some concern fading from his eyes.

"I have to tell you something, Jacey." I said and I lied next to Jace, placing my head on his shoulder. Jace nodded and he softly closed his novel, placing it on his bedside table.

"Jace, you are a lovely guy and super caring, but I don't think we should be together. In another world, we would work really well, but in this world, our hearts are already stamped with the names of other people. And we both know, we would be the perfect couple, producing the most gorgeous children, but for some reason, our relationship is too perfect. We would be satisfied with our relationship, but we would never exceed satisfaction. We wouldn't have that passionate and never-forgotten love. So, I think we should officially break up." I said and Jace softly stared at me. Of course, sadness gleamed in his eyes, but also understanding lied in his eyes because he knew that I was speaking the truth.

"I agree, Luna. You will always be my best friend though. Although, I wouldn't mind a friend with benefits arrangement if you're interested." Jace said with a smirk dangling on his lips. I playfully shoved him and he shrugged, giving me his boyish grin. He wrapped an arm around me and placed a lingering kiss on the center of my forehead.

I stood up and gave Jace a peck on the cheek. I headed towards my room and it was already two, I did want to see Park really badly, but I had to go to sleep especially since we had school tomorrow. So I decided to go to sleep and talk to Park at breakfast tomorrow.

I changed and lied in my bed. The thought of Park and me being in a relationship, placed a smile on my lips. I was tired so it was easy to fall asleep and I woke up at seven, preparing for school and changing. I noticed Rina was still sleeping so I allowed her more sleep. I headed towards the cafeteria, expecting Park and Jace, but only Jace was there.

"Where's Park?" I asked and Jace shrugged, claiming that Park was calling in sick. I called Rina who was groaning at me and was calling sick as well. Breakfast ended and I headed towards class, still keeping a watchful eye for Park and Rina. But they never showed up and soon school was over.

I headed towards my dorm to find Park and Rina making out and my heart immediately died. Rina broke the session and flashed a smile at me. "Hey Luna." Rina said and she looked like she was in a good mind. I glanced at Park, but he couldn't even stare at me. His stare lying on the floor, avoiding me.

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