Isla and the Happily Ever After

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“Phones are distracting. The internet is distracting.The way he looked at you? He wasn't distracted. He was consumed.” 

-Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

I woke up again and I changed, Rina was still sleeping and I let her be. I looked at my closet and I wore my Mortal Instrument shirt, the one I wore on my first day. And then a pair of dark navy blue skinny jeans with my typical, average Vans. My backpack was in my arms and I headed to the cafeteria.

Jace was already in the cafeteria, talking to Park and I fetched my typical breakfast, yogurt with granola and apple juice. I sat next to Jace, avoiding Park’s gaze which was a change because usually it was me avoiding Park like he was the plague.

There was thick tension in the air and Jace tried his best to swat that tension. I flashed him a grateful smile for understanding and just the fact that he just trying to break the tension.

Breakfast ended on an awkward note and I headed to class which luckily Jace and I both had. So we parted ways from Park and we headed to class. In class these days, we practically did nothing, the teacher allowed us to do as we pleased as long as it didn’t break school regulation. In fact, you could leave the classroom. So Jace and I headed outside because the weather was quite nice.

At first, we did our own thing; I was reading Isla and the Happily Ever After which just came in the mail. It just came out and it is the finale to one of my favorite YA series. And then Jace would get bored. So he tries to interrupting my reading in return, I glare at him, but I hesitantly shut my novel and we decide to engage in some activity.

We headed to a café nearby the school and bumped into Park on the way. And we invited him because after all, Park was still part of the group and a friend. So we all walked to the café and choose an outside table. I ordered an ice cream and strawberry lemonade because I wasn’t really in a coffee mood. Parker got an espresso and I sneered at him for being a hipster wannabe, something that I said as an instinct. And then we shared a small private smile. Jace ordered an iced milk coffee and he headed towards the bathroom, leaving just Park and me.

“Hey, you.” I smiled and Park flashed a smile back. I knew then that some form of our relationship was restored, not completely, but some which was good enough.

“Hey, I’ve missed you.” Park softly said and I beamed at him with understanding because I was sharing that feeling.

“Well sorry. Someone’s been a bit AWOL these days.” I said, raising my hands in the air with a joking demeanor.

“You’re right. You’re still my best friend, Lia.” Park said apologetic and a smile immediately formed when he said my nickname that was reserved just for him.

And then Jace came back. He could sense that the tension between us vanished and he flashed a discreet smile at me.

“So what are you guys doing for the summer?” Jace asked and I shrugged because right now, I was too focused on the present these days.

“I’m going to Cali to visit some friends and then headed to Europe with some friends.” Park replied.

“What other friends do you have?” Jace asked and then it hit him. “Oh, you’re talking about Rina and me.” Jace said and Park nodded.

“Yeah, Europe’s going to be great, man. What about you Looney? Wanna join in? There’s always room for you in the ABC’s Adventure to Europe flight.” Jace asked and I shook my head because how would I get over Park if I constantly spend time with him?

We slowly walked back to school and we were at the café for quite a while to the point that school was almost over. It was nice to talk to Park and Jace, just before school was going to end. Tomorrow was officially the last day and school was ending early. I would leave tomorrow, taking a bus back to home and never come back.Jace headed back to the building, saying he had to talk to some teachers and so Park and I decided to check up on Rina. We saw Rina in her bed, lying and staring at the ceiling. “Hey Rina.” I said softly, just so I wouldn’t disturb her. She glanced from the ceiling to me and she softly smiled at me, but there was a small glimpse of sadness in her eyes.

“Park, I have to say something to you.” Rina said and I was about to leave, but Rina grabbed my arm. “I want you to stay Luna.” Rina said and I nodded, walking next to Park.

“I know.” Rina said and we both stared at her with confusion.

“I know that you guys have feelings for each other. I sensed it the first day you came actually, but I choose to ignore it, thinking that it would fade away. But it grew and I knew it did, yet I still denied it. I was jealous of you Luna because Park looked at you in a way he’s never looked at me before. So that’s why I pushed you to be with Jace because I wanted security that you and Park wouldn’t get together. I knew things were occurring between you guys, things that friends don’t exactly do. I allowed it because it was an open relationship, but I didn’t like the way Park and you were because the way you guys was something I’ve never felt myself. When Park broke up with me, I was devastated and I went to you Luna intentionally because I knew Park broke up with me because of you and I went to you so you would feel bad and wouldn’t get with Park. It worked, but I knew things were still lingering between you and Park. And then I saw you guys in the balcony during the party. I saw the raw emotion there and while Park didn’t cheat on me and ran, I knew that he wanted to so much. Park, you changed, you distanced yourself and you just weren’t yourself. And then you saw Jace and Luna bonding. I knew you were jealous and hated yourself for having these feelings. I really knew that you loved her when we were making out and you said her name. When I told you, your face darkened and regret was in your eyes. You truly love her, don’t you Park?” Rina said, tears streaming down her face.

I hugged Rina tightly and she immediately hugged me back. “I’m sorry, I’ve been a sucky friend, hitting on your boyfriend.” I said with regret.

“No, I’ve been a bad friend, I saw the love between you guys, but I refused to let go Park.” Rina apologized and I hugged her tightly in response, showing her that I forgave her. She hugged back just as tightly and our friendship restored.

“Rina, I’m sorry that I’ve been a horrible boyfriend. You deserve so much better Rina.” Park said, hugging both Rina and me.

“Park, it’s fine as long as you guys don’t fuck this up because I know that you guys can become something more. I have this feeling that you guys can evolve to something real, something memorable.” Rina said and Park and I shared a smile.

“Well, you guys have some stuff to resolve, so I’m leaving.” Rina said and she walked out of the dorm.

“Wow, that was intense.” I said, swing on the heel of the shoes.

“Yeah.” Park said and there was an awkward silence in the room.

“Do you still love me?” I softly said, dreading that worst.

“Of course, I will always love you.” Park replied immediately and I kissed him. It wasn’t like our most recent kiss, it was slow because we knew we had enough time in the world because we could finally be together.

“I love you.” I said after we broke the kiss. Park and I exited the dorm with both of us holding hands. We were finally together and a part of me relit. 

Finally, they got together! I feel so bad between there were so many Jana fans, especially those who commented. But come on, Park and Luna are adorable together. I love their dynamic and the way they interact. But instead of having two chapters left, there's only going to be one. I know, I'm sorry, but gosh, can you believe this is going to end soon? But don't worry, there is a companion novel which will also have our favorite couple featured in it, but they aren't the main characters. May I call in for a vote and a comment please?

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