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edited: so i started writing this story a long time ago so the first few chapters are absolutely terrible and i will try to fix them in the future. It gets better i promise!!

Its just like any other day, I wake up to the sound of my alarm, next to Chris but he is sound asleep. I check the time and it's 6:30am. I try to rub the sleep from my eyes but it doesn't help. I get out of bed with sigh and walk to my bathroom grabbing clothes on the way.

I turn the water on and quickly get in. The hot water relaxes my muscles and wakes me up slightly.
I was in the shower longer then I intended, I turn off the water and get out not wanting to go to work today. Don't get me wrong I love my job, but don't interrupt my sleep.

My hair dries quickly because it's thin and I just leave it down. I grab my phone and walk out of my room careful not to wake Chris up. I grab a granola bar and head out of the house.

I gets to the greys anatomy studio and park in the parking lot closet to all the trailers. I step out of the car and instantly put my hands in my pockets. It's chilly. I start to walk to my trailer.

I go over my my script for today.  About 2 hours later  I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in" I say loud enough for the person to hear me.

Jessica Capshaw walks in, she's in a very jumpy mood which kinda startles me because it's so early in the morning.

"we have to be in the hair and make up trailer in 15 minutes" I nod at her. She leaves the trailer quickly after.

I am on my way to the hair and make up trailer to get ready and on the way there I pass Patricks Dempsey's old trailer, It was taken away after season 11 and now it's back? My heart drops to my stomach at the thought that he's back. He can't be back. Right?

I remember all the memories, all the nights I spent with him, all the pain.


I was walking back to my trailer after filming the last scene for season 11 and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and there stood Patrick.

The look in his eyes, I knew something was wrong.

"Ellen I-I have to tell you something" His voice cracks at the end of his sentence and I knew that this wasn't good.

"Okay? Come back to my trailer" I say wanting to get out of the scrubs I was in. He shakes his head lightly and looks at the ground.

"I wouldn't be able to tell you what I'm about to tell you" His eyes meet mine and there glossy. I'm so confused.

"Patrick, what's wrong" My hand lightly touches his cheek but he flinches away. He's never done that. Ever. My hand drops to my side and a frown appears on my face.

"I-I am quitting" He says quickly like he's rushing to get the words out.

"Quitting?" I was confused we've been doing Greys for 11 years and I never thought he would quit.

"Yes, I have to" My mind races with what to say next.

"To save my marriage, Jillian suspected that there was something between us" My eyebrows scrunch in confusion.

"There is something between us Patrick, we both know that" We've been having an affair, of course there was something between us.

"Ellen, I cant. The only way to save my marriage is to quit, I-I love Jillian" My heart drops to my stomach and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

"So your picking her?" My voice barley a whisper.

"Yes I am, I'm sorry" He walks away without any other explanation.

My heart shatters in my chest and I feel like my head might explode. I love him. I love him and he walked away so easily. I drop to my knees in the middle of the parking lot.

Everything just explodes at once. Tears stream down my face, my head is pounding, and I feel as if my heart shatters in my chest.

end of flashback.

I am taken back by the sudden flashback. It's been 5 years since he left me in that parking lot. I've moved on. I refuse to let this bother me again. It took a year to get over him. A year! I'm not letting all that work go down the drain.

I snap out of my thoughts and quickly walk into the hair and makeup trailer.

Hours later after the cast was done filming the first episode of season 16, we all started rushing out, we were worn out it was already 10:48 pm, Shonda quickly yelled "stop" and we all stoped mid step.

"We have a table read tomorrow for the plans for the rest of the season, It's important so I expect you all to be there" Shonda says, her eyes scanning the room. Her eyes meet mine and she winks.

You can see the clear confusion on our faces but we all say "okay" and walk out.

It's a warm night in Los Angeles, I look up at the sky and there's stars. You usually never sees them because all of the buildings in Los Angeles, so I stood there for a second appreciating the glow of the sky. I'm scared for the table read tomorrow to say at the least.

AN: hey guys!! I just edited this chapter and I definitely like first person better. I'll definitely also do Patrick's pov in the story sometimes. ❤️❤️

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