The following day was bleak, the smokey-grey clouds bursting with rain, slicing through the air like knives falling from the clouds. Anne Shirley Cuthbert, face pressed against the cool, glass window, believed raindrops to be magnificent as they raced down the glass.
Gilbert's stay at green gables was coming to a close, he was now almost able to walk as he did before the injury.
A week had officially passed since Gilbert's visit to the doctors, and every day spent in Anne's company had been stimulating; whether it was breakfast, lunch or dinner, Anne always had a viewpoint to share. That night, after dinner, Gilbert was to return home.
His bags were packed and he had cleared out the room which he had lodged in of his clothes, gifts from friends and personal items.
Gilbert and the Cuthbert's devoured the most scrumptious meal that evening, the dinner table seemed so awfully quiet so Gilbert started up a conversation, "Doesn't the rain just put everything in perspective?" Marilla and Matthew stared at him like he was crazy, rain? Why, rain was a bleak, miserable thing that fell from the sky. But Anne, Anne seemed to understand completely; "The rain, to me, makes me feel.. safe." Gilbert continued,
"It makes you cherish these moments, dining with your family. Safe." Anne smiled at Gilbert.
Gilbert grinned, hearing Anne contribute to his spoken thoughts.
Nobody else had ever agreed with Gilbert on the topic of rain, yet Anne seemed to believe Gilbert was speaking sense,Rumble.
"Oh no, it seems to be thunder and lightening." Marilla muttered,
"Thunder? And lightening?" Anne asked enthusiastically, marvelling over the idea of the sky, a deep, cloudy grey with a flash of light cracking in it.
"The washing!" Marilla had remembered the damp clothing, pinned to a line in the garden, she was to bring the clothes in immediately.
"Anne help me bring in the clothes." Anne shot up at the demand and hurried outside, into the depths of the rain.
"Allow me." Gilbert had stepped outside and lay the soaked clothes into the basket that Anne held, a gust of wind pushed a dress of Anne's across the garden,
"My dress." Anne dropped the basket, chasing after the dress.
"Anne!!" Gilbert called after her, becoming drenched by the second. Anne battled with the torrential rain, the dress escaping her fingertips every time she caught up with it.
Anne eventually grasped ahold of the crumpled, soggy dress; darkness overwhelmed her surroundings, unable to see where she was or what direction she had came from, Anne strolled In a random direction. Her hair, usually ignited the area but now, the rain had temporarily darkened it to a deep auburn. Raindrops hung onto her eyelashes, nose and hair, frightened to take the plunge and fall to the muddy ground.
"Anne? Where are you. Stay still!" A voice shouted, muffled by the downpour.
"Gilbert?" Anne yelled back.
"Gilbert." Anne was glad to find him, scared that she was lost.
"Anne." Gilbert felt her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers.
"I've wanted to do this for so long now." His curls, dark as night, collected the rain; droplets lingered on his eyelashes, his glossy, hazel eyes squinted due to the rain flooding into his face. His rose petal lips crashed into Anne's passionately and he pulled her in closer, hand on the back of her neck, against her hair.
A crack of lightning flashed before their eyes, mid kiss, Anne pulled away to catch it with her own eyes.
Gilbert too, gazed up at the sky, waiting for that crack of light to reappear.
"There's nothing more romantic than a rain-prompted kiss." Gilbert shouted over the rumbles and rain hitting the ground, locking eyes with Anne, oblivious to the heavy, rapid raindrops plummeting out of the clouds above.
"I couldn't agree more." Anne yelled back.A/N
I haven't updated In dayyyss but.. how cute I love shirbert moments, they finally had their kiss, but how is rubyand the other girls going to react when they find out, if they find out. 💕
Fanfiction{COMPLETED - UPDATED COVER MAY 2021} Following season 2, this story surrounds the relationship of Anne and Gilbert. Including cozy chapters breaking up the intense, dramatic events in Avonlea. "In My Maturity, I've Come To The Happy, Evolutionary...