20. Holding on to you

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Matthews return to green gables eventually approached Anne and Marilla and they made preparations to create a comfortable environment for Matthew as his health remained fragile. Anne struggled, the first person in her life to love her, was slowly fading away.
"Matthew." Marilla spoke, balancing a floral patterned tray carrying a white teacup of steaming tea with lemon and honey. And a matching bowl containing vegetable soup and freshly baked, crisp-smelling bread beside it. "How are you feeling?"
Anne stood beside Marilla, holding a vase containing a hand picked arrangement of vibrant wild flowers.
"He'll be alright." Marilla reassured not only Anne, but herself too.
"I know. He just needs time and rest." They both entered the room, and spent hours chatting, and reading aloud, which was defiantly Anne's doing, and surrounded Matthew with the relaxing, calm love and support he needed.
Within a day or two, Anne had returned to school and her much needed family time was exactly what replenished her and her yearning for learning.
As she skipped merrily down the pathway which separated two halves of the woods a familiar hand fell into hers and Anne was rather taken aback by the spontaneity of it.
"Gi-Gilbert?" Anne spoke, her wide-eyed looking at the cheerful young man, "How is everything?"
"Everything is fine, how about you? Is he-?"
"Matthew is doing well, thank you for asking." They strolled in silence for a few lonely minutes, their bodies close but their minds far apart.
"Gilbert." Anne inhaled, which caused Gilbert to frown, knowing that whatever she was about to say, he didn't want to hear.
"No Anne. Please." He pleaded,
"I need to be with my family right now. I hope you understand. I don't think us... right now... will do us good." Anne removed her hand from Gilbert's clutches, a tear spilling down his rosy cheek. To Gilbert, Anne was everything, he had nobody after his once large, adventurous family had slowly crumbled away, piece by piece, right in front of his youthful eyes.
"Don't.." Gilbert's voice cracked in desperation, "Don't leave me, Anne. I'm all alone in that house. I'm all... alone. Everybody is... gone." Gilbert reached, wistfully for her delicate, nimble fingers, but Anne walked away, towards the school building.
Anne lingered in Gilbert's mind as he slowly strolled over to the school too.
"Anne." Squealed an excited Diana. "How's Matthew?" she spoke, wrapping Anne in a sympathetic hug.
Anne told Diana everything, about Matthews health, about how she was dealing with and even her secret relationship with Gilbert and their parting.
"But how?" Diana couldn't comprehend how somebody could obtain such a sad, yet handsome boy and let him go. "But why?"
"It wasn't what I needed right now."
Moments late Gilbert strolled in, ignoring Anne's presence entirely, "morning Diana." He spoke quite mournfully, he clearly was not getting over Anne Shirley Cuthbert anytime soon.
At lunchtime in Avonlea school, the girls all created a private, girls-only den to eat in.
"Anybody want one?" Tilly Boulter spoke, her doll-like, rose petal lips pressing together as she offered around golden-brown, crumbly raisin scones.
"May I?" Diana Barry spoke gently, the honey flecks in her chocolate brown eyes illuminating the room, she tucked a glossy wave of deep brown hair behind her ever so slightly pixie-like ear before reaching her delicate hand out for a delicious scone.
Just as the golden scone brushed against Diana's slightly parted lips Ruby Gillis entered,
Her honey-blonde hair drizzling down her spine softly, her sapphire blue eyes engrossed in the wooden floorboards, her blush puffed sleeves linked into a strong arm. Gilbert's strong arm.
Diana's chocolate eyes diverted from a glowing Ruby to an appalled Anne, her face a ghostly white which caused her auburn hair to appear brighter and her freckles to dance boldly on her cheeks and button nose.

I'm sorry this long awaited chapter is rather short. I wanted to end it on a bit of a cliffhanger and also to dive into a more detailed description of the regular characters. I hope you enjoyed and I'll try my best to get the next part out soon. Ily

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