15. Brown paper packages tied up with strings

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They ran, fingers interlaced, past the coffee shop where they had shared their feelings, past the school were it all began, past the trees they had read together and past the fields they had finally had their first kiss. As Anne and Gilbert reaches the gates of Green Gables, Anne loosened her hand from his.
"You go home. If she sees you she'll know I've been out." Gilbert nodded and began to retire home but before he did he gave Anne's hand a peck with his lips and ran off.
Anne couldn't help but smile, she felt like her world had merged into a romantical fairytale. Anne hopped over the fence, climbed the lavish cherry blossom tree and in through her window. She removed her pigeon blue dress, her ebony lace-up boots, her charcoal tights and her apron and slipped into her cream nightgown.
Just as she buried herself underneath the covers, Marilla rapped upon her door. "Anne? Are you awake?" Anne faked a sniffle,
"Y-yes I am. please do come in."
Marilla entered with Ruby and Diana.
Anne was shocked to see her closest friends there.
Diana and Ruby. RUBY.
Anne felt immensely guilty. She had kissed Gilbert. Ruby had no idea and she was here to make Anne happy.
"R-Ruby.. Diana." Anne sat up in her bed.
"Oh Anne. We've missed you. You've been home from school for 2 whole days. As has Gilbert. I already feel our classmates stupidity growing back." Diana stated which made Anne Chuckle.
"Please say you're coming back tomorrow!" Ruby cried.
"Of course I am, Ruby."
"And Anne. It's your birthday tomorrow!!" Diana cheered.
Anne's first birthday in Avonlea, a first of many to come.
"Girls. As happy as Anne is to see you, I think it's best you leave her to recover." Marilla ushered the girls downstairs.

Anne awoke to the chirping of the nearby birds, celebrating in their nests. They sang "happy birthday" to Anne and Anne, of course, thanked them afterwards.
As it were Anne's birthday, it was her duty to look amazing for school.
Anne fastened up her new dress that Marilla had tailored for her, mustard yellow with white lace sitting at the bottom of the sleeves. And a new apron, white, embroidered with wildflowers.
Anne braided her flaming red locks and tied them with white ribbons.
"Good morning Matthew, Good morning Marilla. Did you know today is my birthday."
"Of course Anne." Matthew spoke quietly and softly to the girl he adored so much.
"Here, Anne." Marilla sat her down at the table and presented some gifts wrapped in brown paper.
"Oh marilla, oh Matthew." Anne was grateful even for just the thought of receiving presents.
In one brown paper parcel sat a book titled "a guide to flowers" you could tick off the flowers you had encountered and learn new facts about them.
And another parcel contained a lilac nightgown, of the silk kind.
"Oh thank you, thank you!" These are the best gifts I've ever received.

After receiving her birthday presents from the Cuthberts, Anne devoured her breakfast, consisting of buttered, homemade fruit toast, barely chewing before swallowing it and left for school in a hurry.
Anne impatiently waited 5 minutes for her bosom friend, Diana near the Brooke.
And to her surprise a hand tugged at her mustard sleeve and pulled her behind a towering fern tree.
Gilbert pressed his lips upon Annes passionately, one muscular hand tracing the lines on her delicate, slightly freckled, white hand and the other stroking her bold, flowing, red hair.
After what seemed like forever, he paused and gazed into her large emerald, glistening eyes. He leaned in towards her ear,
"Happy birthday." Her whispered. "I got you something."
Gilbert turned around and retrieved a brown parcel tied in string from his bag, Anne never mentioned it to Gilbert but she tucked the string in her apron pocket and treasured it.
Anne delicately tugged at the brown paper and unveiled a copy of wuthereing heights. Their book. She tucked it away in her bag and leaned in to kiss Gilbert.
"Anne?" Diana called from a few trees away, startling the two secret lovers, unaware of Gilbert's presence.
Gilbert gave Anne a quick peck on the cheek before hurrying off towards school.
"Diana!" Anne and Diana met each other in a large hug.
"Here, I got you something." Diana presented Anne with a lacy rimmed ribbon, with various wildflowers embroidered upon it.
"I just love it." Anne hugged Diana again.
"Here, allow me."
Diana tugged at the ribbons fastening Anne's braids and set them free, they released soft waves, Diana tied the ribbon in a section of hair at the back of Anne's head.
Anne checked her reflection in the stream. For once. She seemed happy by her appearance.

The duo appeared at school, greeted by a large majority of the class, many said "happy birthday Anne" others just greeted her with a smile.
Gilbert gave her a cheeky grin and took her bag and hung it for her.
Ruby hugged Anne, she was then hit by another pang of guilt.
"Happy birthday, Anne." Said ruby, sweetly.
Anne loved ruby, she loved Diana, but she also loved.. Gilbert. However could this work?

Omg I haven't written since something as ridiculous as September. I'll try to write often and please share your thoughts in the comments.

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