5 - Comfortably numb

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Hope You guys like it! This was kinda rushed but oh well. Remeber to please leave a comment below and chuck me a vote !! :) Thanks for reading..

Laura x


Bitter Sweet - Chapter 5.

After my long and painful detention, I exited the school to see Max leaning on the hood of his shabby car with his signature smirk/grin, and for some reason it made my stomach do all sorts of flips. Even when he opened the door for me, I tried my best to contain the blush creeping it's way across my checks.

Why was my body reacting like this? I was supposed to be friend's with the guy. I coudln't afford to have feelings for him. 

I quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind. 

"So, where are you taking me?" I questioned. 

"We, my friend, are going to the food court at Fly-ride Shopping Centre" He turned his head and grinned at me. I returned a small smile, seeming as it was all I could muster. 


Twenty minutes of quiet driving ended when Max finally found a parking space in the sea of cars. We both got out and made our way to the entrance of the mall. After getting up two flights of escalators and walking through a sea of shops we found the food court, and boy was it huge. There was every type of fast food available. 

"So, what do you feel like, Miss Coraline?" Max asked as he casually chucked his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his chest. Another blush crept its way onto my face as we both looked at the options. 

"Ummm" I murmured quietly. "I don't know, there's too much to pick from. You choose" I replied quietly. 

"Any allergies I need to know about before I go fourth and choose our destiny" He said cheekily. I shook my head 'no', a small giggle escaped my lips. Seriously? A Giggle? I wanted to slap myself. 

His arm fell off my shoulders and instead he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward an Indian food restaurant. 

"So, what'll you have?" He said into my ear as we neared the counter. I decided on butter chicken and told him. 

"Two butter chicken plates please" Max announced to the cashier.

I searched my back pocket for my wallet but didn't find anything. "Shit, I left my wallet in the car. can I pay you back?" I announced. 

"It's ok, I'll pay" He smirked down at me then paid the person at the cash register. Soon after, we had our trays full of delicious smelling Indian food and sat down in one of the booths. We sat opposite each other in the cherry red coloured booths. 


We must have been sitting there for about forty minutes, just talking about nonsense. He's been studying art at a University that's close by ever since he left home. His father lived in the next few suburbs over with his fourteen year old sister, when he told me about his family, he was rather vague, it made me feel uneasy.

Then again, I didn't have much to say, I kept almost everything to myself. I kept my guard up. I did tell him about my plans after school, and my subjects that I'm studying at the moment. 

After we finished our food, the shopping centre was even busier than before. We got up, threw our rubbish in the bin and made our way back to the car park. We stood on the slow descending escalators, side by side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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