Chapter One

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Something would be special about today. Something amazing would happen. I had a feeling tonight would be unforgettable. I mean, I was going to a Panic! At The Disco concert. What's not amazing about that? And anyway, today was already basically perfect. First, we had  no school. Second, my hair looked amazing. And third, I'm going to a Panic! at the Disco concert with my best friend, did I mention that?

All day, I had been hanging out with Bella as we mentally prepared to see The Brendon Urie. We had been endlessly fangirling over his voice, talent, and forehead. Tonight was going to be perfect.

"Amelia," my best friend Bella called. "You are going to have so much fun tonight, and you deserve it!"

"I'm so excited, you have no idea. I've loved Panic! At The Disco for probably five years. Like since 7th or 8th grade. I'm just sad I haven't seen them sooner. Alright, it's time to go!"

"I'm ready to goooOOoooo" Bella sang, and I slapped her arm and rolled my eyes.

Bella and I got into my car, we and turned on my playlist of Panic! songs. It was blasting through the speakers. We screamed every lyric as I drove to the venue.

We pulled up to the parking lot, and I turned off the car. I was about to get out of the driver's seat when Bella placed her arm on mine to stop me.
"Amelia." Bella looked seriously into my eyes. "I have a surprise for you!" Her face lit up and it looked like she was about to burst with emotions.

"What Bee?"I replied, using my nickname for her, anxiously wondering what kind of surprise it could be.

"I got an email from the concert venue. We were randomly selected for ticket upgrades! We have pit passes!"

I literally screamed.
"Omigod No way! Why didn't you tell me? You know what? I don't care. We can see Brendon Urie up close in all his forehead glory!"

Walking into the venue, I started shaking. I gripped Bella's arm to help calm my sporadic movement.  Girlish squeals emitted from both Bella and me as we stepped through the doors.

The venue was a local sports arena, so it was pretty large, meaning that there were a lot of people. And lot of the concert-goers were in the lines for the merch tables.

Bella and I braved the wicked lines, and
using our extra money, we bought  the limited edition tour merch. I bought a Panic! sweatshirt and wristbands, and Bella bought a t-shirt with Brendon's face on it.

After we geared up in our merch, we slid into the pit. We were three rows from the stage! I couldn't believe how close I was. Never in my life had I been to a concert, let alone one with my best friend.

Bee and I were talking about how great tonight would be when the countdown appeared on a screen. Excitement arose between us. The entire venue chanted each number as the timer when down. And when it reached zero, the crowd erupted in the loudest screaming I had ever heard.

(Fuck) a Silver Lining started playing, and soon enough Brendon Boyd Urie, Mr Disco, Beebo, Breadbin, (and all the other names), jumped from under the stage and started singing. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was in love. His voice was absolutely amazing and beautiful. I was in tears, as was Bella. This was such an astonishing moment.

He played all of my favorite songs, but I especially liked Death of a Bachelor. He voice sounds so pure singing that song.

After the show the venue's lights started turning on, Bee and I made our way out the door. We had to clean up our faces from the dried mascara tears.

We found my car and got in.
"Dude, you have no idea how much I loved that!" Bella squealed, as she sat in the passenger seat.

"But I do," I rebutted. "I've been waiting for this forever. It almost doesn't seem real."

"Trust me, it was real."

We sat in the parking lot, waiting out the traffic, so we wouldn't get in an accident. I went to reach for my phone so I could play some music, but I couldn't feel it in my pocket. I started freaking out.

"Bella, I don't have my phone!" I panicked. "I need to go back in. Now!" And with that I got out of the car, leaving Bella in the passenger seat.

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