Chapter Nine

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Third Person POV 

Dallon sat nervously in his car. The sun was setting, and it was almost time to start the plan. He was parked about two miles from Brendon's house. Dallon grabbed his phone and texted Brendon. 

Dallon- Hey  Brendon, I'm kinda stuck right now.  Breezy and I have been having problems... I had to leave the house. I've been driving for the past 20 minutes. Could I stay at yours for the night? I'm running out of options. 

Obviously there wasn't any problem with him and Breezy. This was the best way for Dallon to get into Brendon's house without just showing up. He waited for Brendon to respond. 

Brendon- Sure, no problem. I hope it's nothing too bad. Feel free to come in when you get here. The door's unlocked. 

Perfect. Dallon was good to go. He put on his game face and speed over Brendon's house. 


The sunset was the only thing in Amelia's life that was consistent. There has never not been a sunset. Vibrant reds, yellows, oranges, pinks, and purples painted the sky in the way it always does. She stared out her only window longingly. The sunset was her greatest inspiration. She wanted to be the sunset. Free.

Amelia sighed and closed the blinds. A tear fell down her face, but she quickly wiped it away.  She ran to her bed and put her head into a pillow. She screamed. Every frustration, every pain, everything came out. Everything. Her anger made her explode. Her self-hatred suffocating her, making her think it was her fault that she got into this situation. She was angry. Everyone had failed her. She was angry, and it was time to get her anger out. She got off her bed and stormed downstairs. Brendon was going to pay, and it wasn't going to be pretty.


Brendon heard someone walk into the house. Dallon.  He went to the door to great his friend, and immediately, he pulled Dallon into a hug. 

"Hey buddy. How's it going? What happened with Breezy?" 

Dallon sighed, but started telling the story. 

"I don't really know. I came home from rehearsal. I was a little late, you know. Ryan and I got dinner. She came at me screaming. Saying things like 'You were with another woman,' and 'you never get dinner with Ryan.' I tried to defend myself, she just wouldn't listen. BReezy told me to leave. So I did." 

Brendon felt so bad. Breezy and Dallon always had such a good relationship, but he had this feeling since the beginning that it was too good to be true. 

"You know, Dallon, your  welcome to stay here as long as you need. Make yourself at home."


Dallon threw his small bag onto the couch. Inside were containers of holy water, crosses, and blessed salt. He only had so much time to set up the exorcism altars and find the original contract to help destroy it, saving both Amelia and Brendon. Dallon turned on the TV in the living room to make some background noise to mask his own footsteps. 

He made the first exorcism altar under the couch. He placed the cross on the ground, poured the salt around it, and sprinkled the holy water on top of the other things. 

He went around the house and made the same altars in the kitchen, in a hallway, and in the basement. Once he finished, he went to the couch where he'd be sleeping and rested. 


Amelia heard movement downstairs. It must have been Brendon. She sped down the stairs to the kitchen. She got a knife from the drawer. She heard the TV from living room. She snuck in quietly and saw a shadowy figure on the couch. She brought the knife above it head, but it turned around quickly.

"Dallon?" Amelia whisper-screamed. 

"Amelia? What are you doing with a knife?" He questioned.  

Amelia walked around to the front of the couch and sat next to Dallon. 

"I'm so sorry, Dallon. I thought you were Brendon. I've had enough. I just. Oh my god. I was going to kill somebody." Tears started forming in Amelia eyes. Dallon wrapped his arms around Amelia for comfort . 

"It's okay. You didn't hurt anybody. Nobody's hurt. Everyone's okay."

Amelia calmed down. "But, why are you here, Dallon?"

Dallon wanted to tell her that he was trying to save her, but he knew that that would be too much of a risk. "My wife and I are having problems. I'm just staying here for the night."

"Oh, Okay. Have you seen Brendon?" Amelia asked.

"He's probably in his room. Don't do anything I wouldn't."

Amelia nodded, took the knife, and went up to Brendon's room. She'd never been into his room before. She knocked lightly and waited for a response. 


Brendon, after Dallon got settled, went into his room. He wanted to sleep, he tried to sleep, but the memories wouldn't stop haunting him. 

Brendon looked at the email from the record label. His album didn't make any charts. There were only 200,000 streams on album in total. Radio stations refused to play the singles.  Brendon put his heart and soul into that album.  He thought  it would be the most successful. The record label had to cancel his tour. 

Brendon didn't leave his house for weeks. Nothing mattered to him anymore. He refused to write music. He couldn't to what he loved without suffering. 

He was desperate. He heard things from other struggling musicians. There was someone who could help him. At only a small cost. His soul. Brendon knew he was going to hell anyway. 

He found an old, musty leather-bound book.  It was sitting at his front door. Someone had left it there for Brendon to discover, and he did. 

This book held dark secrets when upon opening would release the most horrid monsters. This book was the equivalent of Pandora's box. Opening this book would damn anyone to an eternal suffering. Brendon didn't know that.

He opened it. Almost instantly, he felt the darkness enter the room.  He heart became weighted, a sickness in his stomach stirring. Then Brendon saw HIM. The devil. In the flesh.

The devil smirked at Brendon, sensing his fear. "You summoned me, Brendon. Don't act so scared. Remember, you wanted this."

Brendon shivered. He mustered up any courage he could and stated firmly, "I want success."

The devil laughed, "So I've heard. I  need something from you. Something different. Not your soul. I need your body. I need a human form form time to time. God wouldn't give me one, so I just have to get one on my own. What do you say? Access to your body occasionally for success. Don't you want it?"

Brendon didn't know what to say. He only nodded. The devil conjured a contract out of thin air, and handed it to Brendon. Brendon took it into his hand, grabbing a pen from his desk.

"Nuh- uh-uh," the devil taunted. "You can't just sign that in normal pen ink. It has to be blood. Pure blood.  Your blood."

Brendon's hands were shaking ,and he felt the evil radiated off of the devil. The devil handed him a knife. Brendon took the blade into his palm and sliced it open. He dropped his blood on the contract.  It was done. Brendon sacrificed everything for success. 


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