Chapter Four

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•edited Thursday, July 11th, 2019•

My eyes began to open slowly. The pain in my head was unimaginable. I struggled to recall the events from the last day, but then I looked around and I remembered everything.

I was in some sort of cell. My wrists were chained to a wall. My body was laying across a concrete slab. There was little light coming from a window, located high on the wall across from me. I tried to think of a way out, but my throbbing head was useless.

Everything was slowly spinning. In this newfound spinning world, I saw a shadowed figure, outside the cell. It slowly opened the door, and I trembled in fear.

"Amelia, darling, you're awake! I'm sorry about the knocking out thing, I didn't want you causing a scene in the car. No hard feelings, I hope," the figure, now identified as Brendon Urie, stated. I just looked down, scared to make eye contact. I heard his footsteps advance toward me. He squatted to my level and lifted my face up, so I would be looking at him. He wiped a tear that must of fallen down my cheek.

"Do not be afraid, darling. I'm going to take you upstairs. I will answer any questions you may have about anything, but do not try to run away, you'll be punished." I remained quiet as he unchained me. My head was still in pain, but the dizziness wore off. He helped me stand up, My hands were very unsteady, and my legs were weak, probably from not eating, causing me to stumbled while he led me upstairs into a living room, and every time I was about to fall, he caught me.

Brendon signaled me to sit down. My shaking legs, scared to refuse, carries myself towards him. Close to my impending doom. I sat on one of the couches in the huge room.

"Amelia, Darling, I have loved you for the longest time. I know it may come as a shock but I-"

"What?" I Interrupted, "Love?" My voice was small almost unnoticeable.

"How long have you been watching me? No, wait, how do you know me in the first place?" I asked, getting a little more fired up.

"You've been a fan of the band for a while, correct?" Brendon responded with a cocky smirk.

"Um, Yeah, I guess. It's been probably 4 or 5 years," I responded.

"Well, I've noticed your activity on our social medias and such. Actually, I follow your fan account, you know @Panicattheforehead? It's quite cute, if I'm being honest." Brendon laughed in amusement. It was as if he thought this was a game. "Also your personal account @marksAmelia. Very beautiful pictures. You might want to make it private. You don't want creepy men looking at them, right?"

I almost vomited on the spot. He was one of the creepy men stalking me.

"I've been following you for a while. I was so excited when I saw your post about seeing Panic! I was hoping I'd see you after the show, and I guess your forgetfulness was useful. I love you so much."

"First, I'm NEVER going to love you back. Second, you need to let me leave. If you wanted a relationship, this is NOT how you treat a girl." I was enraged and disgusted.

"You don't love me back?" he sounded so sad.

"Don't even go there! You are trying to pity me into loving you! You killed my best friend, and you've been stalking me for god knows how long! This is ridiculous!" I screamed in frustration.

"You should be grateful! Girls would kill to meet me, and to be loved by me! I killed for you!" He changed. Almost instantaneously. He wasn't the soft-voiced man who happened to kidnap me out of love. This person, this rage filled person, who got mad at me for not loving him, was a monster.

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