Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

After years of darkness, Dallon knew that it was time for him to finally purge the world of such evil. Everything in him wanted to save Brendon, but he couldn't let him live. Brendon couldn't escape the darkness he invited into his life. There was no way to expel the darkness and have Brendon live.

"Dallon? What are you doing here so late? What happened?"
"Pete. It's happening tonight. Amelia is safe in a church, we have to kill Brendon tonight," Dallon explained. "Call the rest of them. They need to be here, too. We're going to Brendon's at midnight."

"Okay, I'll get the guys here. Is there anything else we need?" Pete asked.

"You need to be ready to kill Brendon. It's the only way. You can't hesitate."

"I understand," Pete nodded.
Once everybody arrived, they all drove to Brendon's place. They knew that killing a friend would be hard, but they had to to protect the world.

Patrick, Pete, Andy, Joe, and Dallon stormed into the house.
"SATAN! COME HERE YOU COWARD!" Dallon screamed.
Suddenly, He appeared in front of the men.

"Dallon, dallon, dallon. I let you into my home. And you took my girl, call up our friends, and you're gonna kill me? I'm absolutely livid, Dal Pal."

"Fuck off, Brendon. You did this to yourself."

Dallon charged Brendon, knife in hand. He was able to stab him, and Brendon fell to the ground. The others crowded around him. They knew one stab wouldn't be enough. As gruesome as it sounded, they had to cut out his heart.

Dallon twisted the blade in Brendon's chest. "You guys need to leave. You don't need to get charged with murder. Let me do this."

The four guys left. Brendon rolled on the floor in pain. "I didn't think it would be you, Dal Pal. I'm going to be honest." Brendon choked out. "But I'm glad it is, because you're going down with me."

A knife suddenly appeared in Brendon's hand and he stabbed Dallon in the chest. Dallon let out a groan of pain, but he couldn't let him win. Dallon used the last of his strength to rip out Brendon's heart. Dallon dropped the heart on the ground, and he fell on his back.

"Pete," he called out weakly. His voice barely left his lips. He was choking on the air he was breathing. "Please!" He pleaded. "Someone!"

All he could think about was his family. His Breezy. Amelia. He would never see them again. Dallon would die alone. A tear fell down his cheek.

"It's too quiet, I have to go in there!" Pete said. He ran in. Dallon was on the floor covered in blood.

"NO!" Pete screamed. "No, no, no. Dallon, you-you can't die. You have a beautiful family to go back to. C'mon buddy, please. PATRICK CALL 911"

Dallon started choking on his own blood. "I did it, Pete. I saved them." Pete pulled Dallon's head into his lap. "It's going to be okay, Dallon. You're gonna be fine. Just stay awake, buddy."

"I'm too tired, Pete. I-I can't."

"You have to, please!" Pete pleaded. Dallon looked up at Pete, his eyes pooling tears.

"Bye Pete, Tell them I love them."
And Dallon stopped breathing.

The End.

AN- I am fully aware of how horribly cringing this story is but rip dallon. I'm done with this story. Yeet.

Comment something if ya want.

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