Chapter Eight

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I'm switching to 3rd person for this chapter, and probably for the rest of this book.

Brendon went to his room, to have some alone time, with his own thoughts. He wanted to know what his missed. He had an absent moment in time, and the only conclusion he could come to was that he took over. Amelia and Dallon went to talk right after, too. What could Dallon have said? Did he reveal the truth?

Amelia sat in her room, questioning her entire existence. Her head was buried in a pillow. Nothing made any sense to her. Her entire purpose was to be the soulmate of evil. Why her? Why couldn't she just be normal? She fell asleep with so many questions flooding her brain.

Dallon just couldn't help but worry for Amelia. He went home distraught. He couldn't shake the feeling that she would be doomed forever. Dallon felt tremendous guilt leaving the house, but Brendon forced him to. He couldn't live with himself knowing that an innocent girl was subject to such torture. He had to do something. He couldn't let her live forever controlled by evil.

Brendon approached Amelia's door. He hesitated, but he knocked nevertheless. He waited patiently for a response, but Amelia didn't say anything. He knocked again, but this time with more force. No response.  Brendon was becoming more and more frustrated, and He took over.  He tested the knob but it was locked.

"Open the door, Amelia!" He screamed.

Amelia scurried to the door out of fear. She had been sleeping, and didn't hear his knocking. She opened the door and timidly hid behind it. Brendon looked at her with stern eyes.

"How dare you? I have been knocking forever!" He screamed. Amelia trembled.

"I was just sleeping. I'm sorry. I couldn't hear the knocking, and I.."

Brendon interrupted. "I don't care. If you are to be mine, you need to submit!" Amelia quickly realized this wasn't Brendon anymore, but she didn't want to show it. He didn't know that Amelia knew about everything. 

Tears began to fall down Amelia's face. "I'm sorry," she whimpered.

The tears must've gotten to Brendon because Brendon suddenly came back.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, I just.." Brendon didn't really know why Amelia was crying. He had just knocked on the door, right?  "I haven't been honest with you, Amelia. And I can't expect you to forgive me."

Amelia looked up, her face still red from crying. "If you're talking about Him. I know. I know what you did. I know what I'm here for! I know that I have to love him. I know that I will have to suffer for eternity! BECAUSE OF YOU!" She screamed at him.

"I didn't want this. I didn't know what it would mean if I submitted to Him. I just thought I'd be dead by 27 like all of the others that sold their souls. I didn't know I'd be the host of evil. I didn't know I'd have to hurt a girl like you. I just wanted to make it. If I knew, I wouldn't have, but now, I'm hopeless." Brendon pleaded.

Amelia's heart broke. Brendon was just the victim, she thought.  He just wanted to be something, and he did what he thought everyone did. Amelia pulled Brendon into a hug. Brendon returned the sentiment and  noticed his tattoo glowed purple. Amelia was started to feel for him.

Lucifer sensed the emotion, the raw sympathetic emotion. He fed off of it. He felt extreme surge of power through him. Because of the connection between Brendon and him, the emotions Amelia feels for Brendon, are also feelings toward him. He was winning, whether Amelia and Brendon liked it or not.

Meanwhile, Dallon met with Pete, Patrick, Andy, and Joe. They've dealt with the devil before. They know how to save the souls of those who'd sold them, and bring them peace. They knew what they were up against.

"Pete," Dallon started, "He's feeding off of Amelia's emotion. He's getting stronger. He had full control of Brendon for almost an hour. It's hopeless."

"I know it seems like that, but if we can break Brendon's deal, the devil himself will be forever banished to the deepest pits of Hell. He will no longer have the influence of humans. He will be alone for the rest of time," Pete responded.

"Now," Patrick interjected, "all we need is a way in, but whatever you do, you cannot reveal anything to either Brendon or Amelia. If they know, he will find out. That could ruin everything. Nevertheless, I have just the idea."

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