Chapter Seven

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"Who said I am Brendon?"

"No! You've taken his body! You've made him a monster!"

"I'm only here part time, Dal Pal, don't worry. But I have to say, I'm think I'm going to stay here. He's got quite a gal, Dal Pal. That's fun to say." Brendon/ not Brendon turned to me. "Don't tell Brendon I was here." Then his eyes returned to normal.

"What the FUCK just happened?" I screamed.

"Darling! Why are you screaming? I fixed your problem, remember? You don't have the voices anymore," Brendon said, not remembering the last 5 minutes.

I looked to Dallon, wondering what I should say. The demon thing said not to tel Brendon.

"I'm not talking about the voices Brendon, that was over a half hour ago." I replied.

"Yes," Dallon interjected. "Amelia, can I speak with you alone?"

"Of course, Dallon."

We walked into the living room, where Brendon couldn't hear us.

"Dallon! What was that... thing?"

"Well, years ago, Brendon and I, our music... we got desperate. It seemed like the only option," Dallon tried to explain.

"What was your only option?" I was starting to get nervous.

"He offered us everything we could dream of, as long as one of us would give him our body." Dallon paused. He looked down. "I really didn't want to follow through with it... Brendon, he tried to make me. I just knew it wouldn't be good, that's really why I left. Brendon went through with the deal. That's why there's such a massive success with Pray For the Wicked."

"But what does this have to do with me?" I asked.

"He has been searching for his soulmate for over three thousand years. This soulmate has the most pure soul, and would have to submit to him. And you, Amelia, happen to be the *lucky* winner. He won't stop until you love him completely."

My heart stopped. I could never love let alone submit to this thing...

"Why do you keep saying he? Doesn't he have a name?" I asked.

"His name? You know his name. His name poisons the tip of your tongue. It destroys everything good and pure. His name is why children are afraid of the dark. His name is why man is so evil. His name... is Lucifer."


And I oop...
it's been like 4 months or something lol

I'm sorry this s u c k s
I wanted to like explain what happens and hopefully like actually finish this story eventually...

Aight bye

Kidnapped By Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now