Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10
Brendon heard a soft knock at his door. He was groggy from the lack of sleep.

He rolled out of his bed and slowly dragged his feet towards the door. His hand grabbed the cold metal doorknob, and he pulled it open slowly, his head peeking from behind the door.

"Oh, Amelia, what's going on?" Brendon's voice was rough. He rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust to the light.

Amelia looked worried, her eyes wide, and hands in her pockets.
"I didn't know where to go! My... my head hurts so bad Brendon, so so bad,"Amelia cried.

She looked down and then felt the knife between her fingertips. "Can I spend the night with you? I-I..." she broke down in tears again.

Amelia let her knees drop. Brendon took her in his arms, picked her up, and took her to his bed. Amelia kept fake crying.
Brendon was in a frenzy. He didn't know how to handle his love sobbing and in pain. He just held her close, protecting her from the world around them. He felt her calming down, so he relaxed a bit. He started to fall asleep.

Amelia noticed that Bredon relaxed his grip around her. She gripped the knife in her pocket, and slowly pulled it out. She put it to Brendons stomach and stabbed him. She quickly rolled out of the bed and sprinted out of the door. She heard him groan and curse. She ran downstairs to Dallon.

"Dallon, please!" Amelia pleaded. "You need to get me out of here."

Dallon was startled awake.
"What did you do, Amelia?"

"I-I stabbed Brendon, he's going to get me! You have a car here, right?"

"Yeah, I do." Dallon grabbed his bag and pulled his shoes on. "Let's go!"

Amelia and Dallon got to the car, but close behind them was Brendon. His eyes were black, and his shirt was ripped and bloody. "SHIT!" Amelia screamed. "Drive!"

Dallon pulled out quickly. He sped far away from the house, and took Amelia to the nearest church. He knew that Brendon/Satan wouldn't be able to get her if she was in there.

"OK, Amelia. I'm going to drop you off at this church. You need to promise me you won't leave."

Amelia nodded. Her hands were shaking, and her breathing was sporadic.

"Wait, Dallon, where are you going?"

"I'm going to end this. Forever."

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