Chapter Six

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•Edited July 25, 2019•

I woke up with the sun burning my eyes. The brightness forced my eyes open. I practically hissed at the sight. I sat up and stretched my arms up as I recalled the events from last night.

Brendon said some very sweet things, but then again, he threatened me. His eyes held so much passion and love, but those same eyes darkened in almost an instant.

I had no idea if I was to accept the situation I was in, or fight my way out. Brendon said he would take care of me, and his rules weren't too awful. I've always wanted someone to depend on.

Despite the whole kidnapping thing, I'd say this situation was pretty... uh who am I kidding?

I sound so bad, saying I want this. Saying that some how, in this horrible position, I liked Brendon. He killed my best friend.

"He also has been amazingly sweet." I heard a voice say. It sounded like it was coming from the bathroom.

"Hello?" I called out.

"I'm in the bathroom. Just look in the mirror."

I walked hesitantly into the bathroom. I kept looking around, making sure nobody would jump out and attack me.

"Look in the mirror!" The voice called out once again.

I looked into the mirror, but nothing was different. It was just me, a reflection.

"I'm not just a reflection," my not-reflection said.

I screamed. Did my reflection just talk to me?

"As I said, I'm not just a reflection. I am you. Well, I'm your deepest desires. You want Brendon, I know you do," she taunted.

She was reading my thoughts.
This couldn't just be some delusion, I've never been crazy before!

"Um, How did you get, uh, into my mirror?" I questioned.

The not-reflection laughed, "I was sent here by someone very special. You'll meet him eventually, actually, you've seen parts of him before, but never mind that. You need to go for what you want. I am you. I know what you want, and you want Brendon Boyd Urie."

"I- uh, well, uh..."

She laughed once again. "I'm right" She sang, tauntingly. "Go for it, go for Brendon. He'll take care of you, if you follow the rules, of course."

"Okay, I'll, uh, talk to him, or something. Uh yeah." I stuttered.

"Go! Right now! Get what you want. You need what you want."

I turned out of the bathroom, and changed into some clothes for the day. I went with a crop tee and ripped jeans that I thought Brendon would like.

I started to walk downstairs when I heard two voices talking

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I started to walk downstairs when I heard two voices talking. I stopped to listen to what the we're saying.

"Brendon, why is she here? You know you shouldn't have taken her like that," one voice said.

"Dallon, you know that when the tattoo glows red in the presence of a person, they are your soulmate. He said so." Presumably Brendon said.

I started walking the stairs to make myself known. I saw what I wanted, Brendon. And I saw Dallon Weekes.  Panic! At The Disco's ex-bassist.

"Hey Brendon!" I smiled and giggled. "Who is this?" I asked, pretending like I didn't know who Dallon was.

"Good morning, Darling! This is Dallon, a friend of mine." Brendon wrapped me in a hug and kissed my forehead. I blushed lightly, and looked up at him wide-eyed. I kissed his cheek.

Brendon seemed surprised at the sudden romantic gesture, but he shook it off and smiled.

"Hi Dallon! I'm Amelia. How are you?"

"I've been better. How about you?" Dallon said sarcastically.

"Well, I'm great. I hope whatever's troubling you will get better."

"Hey Darling," Brendon butted in. "Why don't you get yourself something to eat out of the kitchen. We have yogurt and juice in the fridge and granola and cereal in the pantry.

I nodded and smiled again. I was getting what I wanted.

I got some breakfast and sat down at the island in the kitchen. It was just some yogurt and granola. I went back to the fridge to get some juice when everything started to spin.

I felt my legs give out from underneath me, and my body hit the floor. Voices started screaming so loudly, so I covered my ears trying to block them out.

"YOU WANT HIM!" They screamed. The screeching was making the dizziness worse.

I heard footstep next to my head. They seemed to be moving in slow motion.

"Darling!" The voiced seemed echoey, and distant, but only one person ever called me darling.

"Brendon! It's so loud. They won't stop." I cried to him. "Make it stop!"

"Oh darling." Brendon placed his hands on the side of my head. My vision started clearing up, and I could see that his eyes were completely white. The voices quieted down. Everything seemed to still.

Dallon was standing over me. "I told you this would start happening."

"Darling, what happened? Are you okay?" Brendon asked. His eyes returned to normal.

"I, uh, was just getting juice and everything started spinning. She started screaming. Into my head, Brendon. She was back."

"Who was back, darling?"

"Me, Brendon. My reflection, or not reflection or... I sound so crazy." I let out a sob.

"Your reflection was speaking to you? What did she say?"

"She, she sh, sh," I sobbed out, trying to get my breath back. "She said that she was sent by someone. She said I wanted you."

"Oh darling. Everything's going to be okay. I'll make sure that you're reflection will never bother you again."

"You don't think I'm crazy?" I asked softly.

"Of course not, darling. Now, did she say who she was sent by?" Brendon's soft words and understanding helped me calm down.

"I don't know, she just said I've seen him before."

"She's seen him before!" Dallon screamed. "You've taken this girl from her home and showed him her! Brendon you need to fix this! He's not going to stop until he has her. You KNOW this."

Brendon dropped me from his grasp. His eyes became completely black.

"You know, Dallon, I thought you were smarter. I thought you would've figured it out." Brendon suddenly changed.
I pushed myself off the floor and started moving towards the island again.

"What do you mean, Brendon?" Dallon asked worriedly.

"Who said I am Brendon?"

"No! You've taken his body! You've made him a monster!"

"I'm only here part time, Dal Pal, don't worry. But I have to say, I'm think I'm going to stay here. He's got quite a gal, Dal Pal. That's fun to say." Brendon/ not Brendon turned to me. "Don't tell Brendon I was here." Then his eyes returned to normal.


Oooh someone is taking over Brendon! He also is making Amelia suffer. Ooooooo.

Let me know what you think.

What's do you thinks gonna happen next? Let me know in the comments.

Aight bye

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