Chapter Four: The Invasion, part one

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When we got to the rendezvous I thought I wouldn't have trouble. But I began to have the dreams.

I, a mighty masculine tattooed up warrior with the longest hair stepped through the curtains of the Fire Nation war room

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I, a mighty masculine tattooed up warrior with the longest hair stepped through the curtains of the Fire Nation war room.

To fight the Fire Lord.

I ran in ready for anything, into the steaming hot room with the Fire Lord sitting on his throne. He had flames all around him, he wore the fire crown and only pants.

'Hot' I thought before shaking my head to get rid of that ridiculous thought. "Your days of terror are over, Ozai. I'm taking you down!" I threatened in my masculinity as I pointed at him.

"Really? How do you plan on doing that, when you failed your grammar test?" He asked, standing up and pointed back at me.

"Huh..." I looked around in panic, I failed grammar! I lost this fight already?! "No!" I yelled as I was being swallowed by flame.

I gasped as I opened my eyes to see I was safe. "I should have payed more attention in class. I better keep training." I said, before I over trained myself.


The next night I managed to stay asleep, but not for too long. "Wake up, Dede," I fluttered my eyes open, who was calling me by my real name? No one ever did, they didn't know it. How could anyone know it?

"Wake up sleepy head. Rise and shine, you over slept." I then realized it was a friendly Ozai nudging me. "You missed the invasion. Mwah ha ha!" Friendly Ozai turned out to be far from that as he flew up on a cow that shot fire at me.

I screamed in fear as I sat up and immediately shook Sokka up. The Gaang tried to help, Aang tried meditation, Katara tried Yoga which I hated, Sokka tried "Therapy" which I also don't like. And Toph..."Well there's one other thing we can try. Acupuncture!" She held out a porcupine at me making me scream and run away as fast as I could.


That night I had the worst dream yet. I was in my air nomad robes, I felt happy as I kept a steady pace through the hallways.

Then I realized where I was, I was in the Fire Nation palace. I felt like a heavy weight had lifted from me as each step became more interesting.

It became even more interesting when I heard laughter coming from not too far away. As I turned the corner, my eyes fixed on Zuko.

I found a smile across my face as I saw he was laughing. I had never actually seen him laugh. He was in royal robes and had his hair gently up.

But that's when my eyes saw he was holding someone's hand. It was Mai's hand, and he didn't even see me. They chuckled before Zuko reached over and kissed her.

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