Chapter Six: The Western Air Temple

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It was extremely hot when we were walking to the temple after we lost at the Capital. My feet were becoming numb as I took each step, I hurt like hell.

"Hey we're here! I can feel it!" Toph said, with excitement as we looked at the cliff side.

"Huh, I think your feet need their eyes checked." Katara replied.

"No she's right, we are here." Aang replied, before a sudden dread hit me.

"Wow, it's amazing." Toph exclaimed, as we flew down.

I was 'raised' there and when I was back I began to get memories, I began to remember what made this place haunting. All though I said nothing and tried not to show it, I didn't want to be there.

But I knew Zuko was some where there, I was finally going to see him after such a long time. After he betrayed me and joined Azula I never held it against him, I never wanted to.

"It's so different from the northern air temple, I wonder if there are any secret rooms." Someone said, but I wasn't paying attention, looking around at the fountain.

The fountain were the nuns warned me about Sozin, the fountain I cried, laugh, and slept on. It was the same everywhere, I couldn't shake these feelings. I wanted to go but the memories were too strong. I wanted to let out feelings I never felt before, not sure if they were even mine.

"You guys go, I think we need to talk about some things." Katara said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "We need to decide what we need to do now and since you're the Avatar maybe you should be part of this." She explained, as I sat down.

"What's the new plan?" I asked, as Aang ran as fast as he could to go catch up with the others.

"If you ask me, the new plan, is the old plan. You just need to master all four elements and confront the Fire Lord before the Comet comes." Sokka replied, he had no idea my teacher would be Zuko.

"Okay, I don't have a fire bending teacher, despite me being able to set trees on fire I don't know advanced skills, the skills I need." I sighed, laying on the stone.

"Gyawa, no one said it was going to be easy." Katara tried to reassure, but I already knew what was going to happen so not a problem.

"I don't know who could teach me when the whole country hates me." I smirked.

"We can look for Jeong Jeong." Katara piped up.

"Yeah... like we'll ever run into him again." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Who's-? Oh never mind. If it's important I'll find out." Toph questioned, sitting on a column.

"There's got to be some one who can teach you fire bending." Sokka thought out loud, as he rubbed his chin like he was wise.

Then I thought of 'hello Zuko here.' My soon to be teacher, making me hide a grin.

"I think that will have to wait." Toph said, referring to a very handsome, beautiful scarred man standing at the edge of the room.

"Hello Zuko here." Zuko smiled, with a slight wave as everyone but me gasped.

"Stop smiling?" Sokka said oddly, knocking me out of the view of a taming smile.

"I'm not smiling!" I defended putting my hands on my waist in frantic movements.

"Hey I heard what you guys were talking about so... I just thought I'd come down here." Zuko stumbled to say, and obviously it was super cute, though he had to sit through Appa giving him a huge lick.

"Hey guys what's going- ArGhh!" Aang yelled, walking up with out knowing who was there.

"I know you must be surprised to see me here." Zuko's voice was full of insecurity and nerves.

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