Chapter Nine: The Ember Island Players

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It was another I can't remember dreams in the western air temple, till there was a huge bang and I immediately woke up. I rubbed my eyes (a bad habit I should stop) and saw Fire Nation war ships.

I immediately air bended the doors around the fountain to cover us.

"Watch out!" I heard Zuko yell at Katara because she was standing under a rock about to fall.

The temple was too old to be strong enough to hold up against constant attack. "What are you doing?!" Katara yelled, as they landed on the ground with his arm around her.

"Keeping rocks from crushing you." He bluntly replied.

"Okay, I'm not crushed, you can get off me now." She bickered back, getting up.

"Oh would you two get a room?!" I sighed, as I made an earth pillar to hold the ceiling up.

"I'll take that as a thank you."

"Come on we can get out through here." Toph stated after she made a tunnel through the temple.

"What are you doing?" Aang asked as he saw Zuko was walking up to the barrier.

"Go head, I'll hold them off. I think this is a family visit." Zuko replied not looking at us.

"I'm going with you." I stated before opening one barrier for us to walk through.

"Gyawa, Zuko no!" I heard Aang shout, we now stood in front of a whole fleet of war ships and Azula at the lead.

"What are you doing here?" Zuko yelled.

"You mean it's not obvious yet? I am about to celebrate being a only child!" Azula raged with mad eyes before holding on the rails of the podium and kicking fire at us.

Zuko and I moved to the side, I grabbed Zuko by the collar, earth bended a lift and used air to pull us to her war ship.

We landed on the rails of podium since there was no room to land on. She punched Blue flames at the both of us, Zuko ducked and hanged on the rails.

I jumped up with air bending and blasted her down. Azula used a powerful fire blast to block it before nicking at Zuko who landed back on the rails.

He didn't see it coming and began to free fall down. I was about to go after him when I saw he would land on an air ship just below us.

The scooter I was on was running out and I was forced to get back on the rails. She shot for my feet, I moved each one, it oddly felt like we were dancing before I fire blasted at her chest.

She broke through it and elbowed a swirling Blue blast at me. I tried to block it but it was too powerful and I was blasted off the rails and into the air. I lost control and began to free fall down to where Zuko was.

As I landed back first Zuko immediately ran at my side.

"Hey." I grunted as I tried to get up.

"You okay?" He asked with concern as he gently helped me up.

"I will be when we get out of here." I replied looking up at the Gaang bursting through the barrier with Appa.

I then saw that we were flying up, and we were now right in front of Azula.

She jumped up and used fire to push herself to the top of the air ship we were on. As soon as her feet were about to hit the floor I air bended a blast from the bottom of my foot and punched a fire blast at her, She collapsed before quickly getting back up, Zuko kicked a wall blast at her chest.

She broke through it and shot a huge fire ball at us. I jumped back while Zuko broke it and used her own fire against her. The blue flame changed colors to orange as it hit her.

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