Chapter Five: The Invasion, part two

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[A/N: it was originally one big chapter but it was way too long.]


After those dreams, the next day the invasion came. Everyone from before was there, the mechanic or what ever his name was, the swamp people, the freedom fighters. I was a little stunned to see Jet there.

"Hey, Jet." I said, with a wave as Katara got a water whip to shoot at him.

"Whoo!" He held out a hand and stepped back.

"Katara." I stated for her to put it away.

"Fine." She growled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a hand on my waist.

"I was in Ba Sing Se when the Fire Nation marched in." He lowered and turned his head. "But when we left I met Pipsqueak and the Duke." He grinned pointing his thumb at them, mm that grin it can take your thoughts away.

And apparently I was staring because Katara hit my arm.

"Gyawa, here's your glider." I never caught his name said, handing it to me from his wheel chair.

"Finally, I missed this." I sighed, grabbing the glider like a new toy.

"And I hope you don't mind I added a snack compartment." His father said, showing it to me by eating some.

"That'll come in handy." I replied wishing he put meat in there.

When it came round to explaining the invasion plan Sokka was way too nervous. "Don't worry, you'll do great." Hakoda said, before Sokka completely messed it up.

"Let me start from the beginning. Katara and I found Gyawa and Aang in a iceberg now I didn't like Aang at first but I loved Gyawa and learned to love Aang over time. Then we went to the southern air temple where Aang used to live. And then we meet the kyoshi warriors-" Sokka said, after he realized he messed up and was trying to explain everything.

I couldn't help but hide a snicker as he took that deep breath and ranted like a fast paced Siri. "Wow he meant the beginning beginning." Katara whispered.

"Thank you, Sokka. It's okay why don't you take a brake." Hakoda said, before he killed it. "When this is finished, the Avatar will have defeated the Fire Lord. We will have control of the Fire Nation Capital, and this war will be over!" Everyone cheered, everyone but Sokka who now looked depressed.


After I changed to my air nomad clothes and took the bandanna off, I was ready to show the world the Avatar wasn't dead.

When we were ready to go, I realized Sokka wasn't around, so I looked for him. "We're about to leave," I reminded the Water Tribe boy, as I flew behind him.

"I messed up, Gyawa." He stated in a disappointed tone.

"How so?"

"The invasion plan was my moment of truth and I completely flunked it. I just fell apart." He explained as he stood in his Water Tribe warrior armor. 

"That wasn't your moment of truth, it's on the battlefield with the soldiers, to truly command them." I replied, standing next to him proudly. I knew that I needed to do, I had to keep things exactly the same.

"My dad explained the plan perfectly and inspired everyone. Like a real leader should." He kept saying.

"Are you listening to me? It's out there not here." I answered with a grin, putting a hand on his shoulder.

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