Chapter Ten: Sozin's Comet, Into the Inferno

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"Imagine you're striking through your opponent's heart." Zuko reminds me as I was kicking a hot strong powerful blast at the air. I had been training for sometime and I wasn't about to give up, I had to be ready.

"Now let me hear you roar like a tiger-dilo!" Zuko yelled, before I roared and let out fire from my mouth that a drake would find impressive.

I turned towards him with a grimace to see Zuko shaking his head in approval.

It was about a day or two since I told Zuko how I felt, but I just tried to forget it. I tried to shut that side out till I did what I came here to do and go home, never think about him again. He was just my teacher and I needed to realize that. Me resorting to training and getting ready made me look cold but I could careless. Not that Zuko even noticed.

"Who wants a nice cool glass of watermelon juice." Katara asked, making Aang jump up and down like a kid. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and kicked another fire blast at the air.

"C'mon, Gyawa, just take a break. What's the big deal?" Suki asked me, trying to get me to stop training.

"If you want to lounge around like a bunch of snake sloths all day go ahead!" Zuko defended me as I kept at it. Shooting at the air was getting tiring, I needed a target and I knew just the one.

The others went to the beach to lay around and while Zuko was sitting on the steps watching me do the same moves over and over again I flicked a fire blast from the floor at him.

He yelled in shock before jumping up and dodging it. "What are you doing?!" He snarled.

"Your teaching me a lesson!" I yelled back, before kicking five fire balls, he broke through it but didn't strike back.

"Come on!" I shouted leaving myself wide open on purpose.

He yelled out before he threw a huge blast my way. I jumped back landing in the bushes and threw five fast blasts.

He went low and kicked back. I jumped forward and kicked him in gut. "You're holding back!" I growled as he began to crawl away.

"You saw that coming a mile away!" I yelled as he stoped at the steps.

"I'll show you holding back!" Zuko hissed back before throwing up fire and jumping back to his feet.

I used sand to block it and then threw the sand at him. He ran back into the house with a fire kick.

He ran into a room, as soon as I ran in, I saw that he was hiding and the window was open. I ran out the window and used air bending to fly myself up.

"Get a grip before I blast you off this roof!" Zuko yelled as he stood ready to fight me on top of the roof.

"Go ahead, do it!" I snarled back, jumping up and with both my feet kicking fire at him. I landed on my hands and had to go down to the roof rails when he kicked back.

The fight went on till we went down to the beach and back around.

"Enough!" Zuko snapped after I hit a fire ball inches from his face.

I hesitated to strike again, meanwhile Katara ran up and stood between the both of us.

"What's wrong with you two? You could have got hurt!" She loudly stated looking at me and Zuko like we were children.

"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with all of you! How can you sit around having beach parties when Sozin's Cement is only three days away?!" Zuko yelled in the air before the Gaang all went silent.

"Why are you all looking me like I'm crazy?" He asked as he saw all they're faced.

"About Sozin's Comet...Gyawa's was going to wait to fight the Fire Lord till after it came." Aang said trying to speak for me.

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