Chapter Seven: The Firebending Masters

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"Remember, fire bending in and of itself is not something to fear. But if you don't respect it, it will chew you up and spite you out like an angry Komodo rhino!" Zuko tried to scare me as he was explaining fire bending.

"Okay." I replied with a hand on my hip.

"Now show me what you got. Any amount of fire you can make."

I took a deep breath and took a stance before I shot out a huge flaming burst of fire. "That was impressive, but this is how it's really done. You might want to take a couple steps back." Zuko showed off with a grin, before I stepped back.

Ready for nothing, Zuko took stance like it was going to be huge, only a small spark came from his palm. "What was that?! That was the worst fire bending I've ever seen." He scolded himself.

"I thought it was okay..." I tried to reassure him before he failed at bending again.

"Why is this happening?!" He yelled looking at his hands.

"Maybe you need to warm up, or the altitude." I suggested with a shrug.

"Yeah could be." Zuko blushed looking to the side, trying to hide it. I hid a giggle at Zuko being an embarrassed, cute, blushing, boy.


"Just breath and..." Zuko told himself as I laid around watching him try to bend.

"That one had a spark." I casually commented.

"Don't patronize me! You know what it's supposed to look like!" He snapped before going right back to what he was doing.

Hehehe that almost sounded different.

"Sorry, maybe you just need a break." I said with a shrug.

"And stop saying that!" He yelled after I suggested that the fifth time.

"Hey jerks, mind if I watch you two jerks do your jerk bending?" Sokka grinned, walking up.

"Yeah while we're jerking off." I chuckled back.

"Get out of here!" Zuko shouted, making Sokka raise his hands with a grin.

"Okay take it easy we were just kidding around. 'Jerk bending,' still got it." He reassured himself with a smile before walking off.

Zuko groaned with his head all the way down, this was just going to keep going.


That night when we were around the camp fire, I played with my guitar hitting a few notes that sounded like a certain annoying song back on earth.

I giggled to myself at the thought of annoying everyone there by playing. "I don't like your little games, don't like your tilted stage, tha role you made me play, of the fool, no I don't like you. But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time. Honey I rose up from the dead I do it all the time. I got a list of names and your is red underlined. I check it once then I cleck it twice oh!" I sang doing my impression of Taylor swift.

"Oh stop! Stop it now!"

"Gyawa, stop!"

"Ew Gyawa." Aang, Sokka, Toph all pleaded. Wow they hadn't even made it to the course.

"Oh! look what you made me do. Look what you made me do. Look what you made do." I sang, with a laugh at the cringing teens.

"I actually liked it." Katara grinned making all of our jaws drop.

Legend of Gyawa: Book Three - Fire ✔️Where stories live. Discover now